Getting started: Basics in monitoring your chargers

Get to know your vaylens portal and find out how to monitor your chargers and keep track of your charging infrastructure

Your vaylens portal

Dashboard and navigation bar

Once you have successfully logged in to vaylens, you can explore the portal starting from our Dashboard. In addition to a search function, notifications and direct access to your user profile in the top right corner, you will find our navigation bar Menu on the left-hand side of the screen for navigating the portal.

Disabled features are not included in your purchased product. Feel free to contact us to expand your product.

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What does the dashboard show you? The dashboard gives you an initial overview of your charging infrastructure. Five different tiles show you the current status of your charge ports:

:green_circle: available: free charge points where charging is possible

:yellow_circle: occupied: charge points to which a car is connected (or where a charging session is carried out)

:red_circle: not available: charge points that are not available for technical reasons

:white_circle: inoperative: charge points that are not in operation

Clicking on a tile takes you to a list view of the charge points which are currently in the corresponding status. You can find more detailed information on this list view in 4.Charging infrastructure in this guide.

The bar chart below shows the amount of energy that was drawn from your entire charging infrastructure during a selectable period. You can display the evaluation of a total of four different time periods: 1 day, 7 days, 30 days and 12 months. By clicking on Revenue, you can switch to the view of potential turnover. With click on Sessions, the number of charging sessions carried out in the selected period are displayed.

The potential turnover is calculated based on the price sets of the charge points valid at the time of the charging process. Please note that the amount remunerated is regulated in the contract conditions.

There is no conversion of charging sessions to the selected currency. The values only refer to the charging processes that were carried out in the selected currency.

A summary of the system status is displayed on the right. This allows you to see at a glance whether all vaylens systems are working or whether there are problems with a system.

Today's statistics summarize revenue, number of sessions and charged energy during the past day.

The map icon at the top right corner opens a map of your charging infrastructure. Depending on the zoom level, individual chargers or a cluster of several chargers are displayed. 

Clicking on a charge point shows further station-specific information.



Charging infrastructure

If you would like to add a new charger to your infrastructure, we recommend the following guide: Getting started: Basics in onboarding your first charger

 If you navigate to Monitor in the navigation bar on the left and select Charging infrastructure, you will see a list of all operating and planned charge points. The list is sorted alphabetically by charge port ID by default, but can also be sorted by charging station ID, ZIP code or city. You can narrow down the results using the filters above the results list. The magnifying glass also allows you to search for a specific charge point or charger. The Extended overview is available for individual sorting and further filter options.

A detailed description of the Extended overview can be found in All about Charging infrastructure.

Both in the Overview and in the Extended overview, you can export the list as a CSV file for further use. 

The CSV separator can be changed in your User profile.

The overview provides the following information for each charge point:

  • Charge port ID

  • Charging station ID

  • Geographical address of the charger, including street, house number, postal code and city

  • Status of the charge point: "available", "occupied", "out of service" and "unknown"

  • Error rate

For more detailed information on the charge point, including hardware, POI, access or authentication types, you can expand an extended table entry on the right. 

By clicking on the charge port ID or the charging station ID, you will be redirected to the respective detail page, which contains further information. On the detail page, you will see a tab for the charger and the associated charge points.


The charging station tab contains information specific to the charger, such as address data and geographic coordinates, as well as product and group assignments, which can be viewed on subordinate tabs. You can edit selected fields using the pencil icon on the right-hand side.

The charge port tab provides you with charge point specific information, such as configuration parameters and information on current and recent charging sessions. Here, too, some fields can be edited using the pencil icon on the right-hand side.


Monitoring charging sessions

How does the detail page help you monitor your chargers?

The details page of a charge point provides you with information relevant to operation. The Control tab shows the current status of the charge point and details of ongoing or recent charging sessions. You can update this data using the button at the top right. If necessary, you can also restart the charge point controller here.

You can use the buttons at the bottom of the page to manually start and stop a charging session at this charge point or to unlock the charge point plug.

For detailed information on this remote control, please refer to Remote Control.


The buttons Activation overview and Charge records can be used to navigate directly to the pages Activation overview and Charge records. This is where the charging data of the last 7 days for this charge point is displayed.


Charge point specific settings such as the authentication types or the calibration law method can be configured in the Configuration tab. You can also view the assigned EVSE ID here.

If you are unsure which calibration law method is the right one for the model you have chosen, you can ask for assistance here:

An overview of errors that have occurred as well as their frequency as a percentage is provided in the tab Error rate. You can filter the error analysis according to individual time periods.

Failed authorizations are not taken into account in the calculation of the error rate, as this is a common use case and not a technical problem.


How do the Charge records help you monitor your chargers?

The Charge records show the charging sessions carried out at your charging infrastructure or by the EMAIDs you have assigned. The results are limited to the last 30 days by default, but can be customized with a filter. You can choose between a list view or a graphical view.

The list in the Charge port tab shows start, end and duration of a charging session as well as the amount of energy charged. You also receive information about the authentication source used and the charge point status as well as the billing data status in compliance with calibration law (EKA).


Mouse over Authentication source, Status and EKA for more information on the meaning of the respective symbol. 

For further information on a charging session, you can expand an extended table entry on the right. 

Clicking on the charge port ID or the charging station ID in the list will redirect you to the respective detail page.

You can find the same information in the list in the EMAID tab, but the information in this view is EMAID-related and not charge point related.

The graphical view provides you with a visual representation of the charging data. Depending on your selection in the drop-down menu, you can display the total amount of energy used in the period under review, the percentage distribution of the authentication type used or the average session duration (in minutes).

You can export the results of the charging data as a CSV file for further use. 


How does the Activation overview help you monitor your chargers?

The Activation overview provides you with real-time information on charging sessions. The status of a charging session, starting from the user's authentication at the charger to the creation of a charging receipt, is displayed here. This allows to track the progress of a charging session and any errors that may occur. The results are set to the last 24 hours by default, but can be adjusted with a filter.
Here too, clicking on the charge port ID takes you to the corresponding detail page.

Only information on charging sessions at chargers within the vaylens Charging Software network is displayed. Charging sessions at chargers of external roaming partners are not available.

In addition to the charge port ID at which the charging session took place, the following information are displayed in the list view: The charging session’s start and stop time, the BDR ID of the charging document created, the authentication source the charging session was activated with as well as the charging session’s progress and status. The visual representation of the progress can be used to see where a charging session is currently at in the process.

Mouse over Progress will provide you with more information on the process. Detailed explanations on the different status messages can also be found in All about the Activation Overview.


For further information on a charging session, you can expand an extended table entry on the right. 

As in the Charge records, you can display the data either in relation to the charge point or in relation to the Access ID used by selecting the corresponding tab.