All about the Activation Overview

Get to know the Activation Overview and how to use it to manage your charging infrastructure

The activation overview only shows information about charging sessions at chargers within the vaylens network. Charging sessions at chargers of external roaming partners (for example Hubject or OCPI) are not available. Internal chargers can be maintained via vaylens. External chargers are read-only (e.g. in the infrastructure overview).


The Monitor > Activation Overview contains recent and real-time information about the charging sessions in the system. It shows the status of a charging session from the authentication of the user at the charger to the creation of a charging document and thus makes it possible to trace the course of a charging session and any errors that may occur. The results can be restricted by selecting your provider, the locations and filter criteria.

On the overview page, all charging sessions on the charging infrastructure are displayed in the user's access. In the Charging Infrastructure view, sessions are established with regard to the charge port ID. When selecting the list view Access-ID the charging sessions are listed according to the used Activation ID (EMAID, voucher code, Activation ID).


The sessions are initially filtered to the last 24 hours. In addition to filtering the Period, filters are available for the Charging Session Status and the Authentication Source. By directly entering a country , a city ("ZIP Code or City") or a street and house number, the session can be filtered by location. In addition, the chargers of a provider or a location can be filtered. The result list is restricted according to the filter criteria.

Besides filtering the charging sessions, the Magic Search can be used to search for specific EMAIDs, charge points, voucher codes and BDR IDs within the charging sessions. By clicking on the charge port ID of an internal charge point, the charge point detail view gets opened.

By selecting the default location, all activations are displayed, whereas the result list is restricted to activations of its members when selecting a location.


The filtered results are displayed in the results list. The following information about the charging session is available here:

  1. Charge port ID: Identifier of the charge point of a charging session.
  2. Starting time: The time of authentication of a charging session at the charge point, by the eCharge+ app or the ePowerDirect website.
  3. Stop time: The time at which the charging session at the charge point is ended or terminated prematurely due to an error.
  4. BDR ID (Billing Data Record ID): Identifier of the created billing document. The BDR-ID is only visible after the system has created it and not directly at the end of the charging session.
  5. Authentication type: The authentication type provides information about the method used to activate the charging session.
  6. Progress and Status details: The Progress visualizes the status of a charging session. The completed points show where a charging session is currently located in the process. The status details provide additional information. The explanations of the statuses can be taken from the following table.

explanation lifecycle status

During the charging session the following error states are possible. A red dot within the Progress indicates the faulty process step. If the mouse pointer is moved over the status details, further information about the error is given.

explanation error message

By unfolding an entry, further information about the charging session can be viewed.

  1. Session ID:The session ID is an identifier for the charging session in the system. If there is an error, further information can be obtained from the support team
  2. EMAID(E-Mobility Account Identifier):If an EMAID was used to activate the charging session, it is displayed in this field.
  3. Authentication token: The authentication token indicates which voucher code was used for voucher activation.