Getting started: Basics in onboarding your first charger

Get to know your vaylens portal and start your emobility business with creating and commissioning your first charger

Your vaylens portal

Dashboard and navigation bar

Once you have logged in to vaylens, you can explore the portal starting from the Dashboard. In addition to a search function and notifications in the top right corner, you will find a navigation bar Menu on the left-hand side of the screen for navigating the portal.

Disabled features are not included in your purchased product. Feel free to contact us to expand your product.

 If you need assistance, you can get help in our Help Center in the bottom right corner.

What does the dashboard show you? The dashboard gives you an initial overview of your charging infrastructure. Five different tiles show you the current status of your charge points:

:green_circle: available: free charge points where charging is possible

:yellow_circle: occupied: charge points to which a car is connected (or where a charging session is carried out)

:red_circle: not available: charge points that are not available for technical reasons

:white_circle: inoperative: charge points that are not in operation

A charger can have more than one charge point. The dashboard shows your charge points, not your chargers.

The bar chart below shows the amount of energy that was drawn from your entire charging infrastructure during a selectable period. By clicking on Revenue, you can switch to the view of potential turnover. With click on Sessions, the number of charging sessions carried out in the selected period are displayed.

The potential turnover is calculated based on the price sets of the charge points valid at the time of the charging process. Please note that the amount remunerated is regulated in the contract conditions.

There is no conversion of charging sessions to the selected currency. The values only refer to the charging processes that were carried out in the selected currency.

A summary of the system status is displayed on the right. This allows you to see at a glance whether all vaylens systems are working or whether there are problems with a system.

Today's statistics summarize revenue, number of sessions and charged energy during the past day.

The map icon at the top right corner opens a map of your charging infrastructure. Depending on the zoom level, individual chargers or a cluster of several chargers are displayed. 

Clicking on a charge point shows further station-specific information.

By selecting a provider, you can choose to have only provider-specific data presented.

At the beginning, your dashboard will not yet be able to provide you with any data. Start building your charging infrastructure by creating your first charger.


Creating a charger


Please note that only chargers with OCPP 1.6 protocol can be created. For chargers with other protocols, please contact

When an installer sets up the physical charger and configures it on site, the Charging Station Connectivity Tester can be used to test in advance whether the charger can be connected to vaylens. If connectivity is successful, you will receive a claiming code that you need to onboard the charger to vaylens. Therefore, inform the installer about the Charging Station Connectivity Tester!

Please navigate to Monitor in the navigation bar on the left-hand side and select Charging Infrastructure. This is where you will find a list of all your operating and planned charge points.


To add the first charge point, click on Create charging station in the top right corner.

Please note that you need some technical data of the hardware used, i.e. the physical charger, to hand.

A wizard will open and guide you through the process step by step.


First, select the manufacturer and model of your hardware. A drop-down menu will help you make your selection. The number of charge points is filled automatically after selecting the model.

Do you have a claiming code? 

Yes. If an installer has configured your hardware and tested the connectivity via the Charging Station Connectivity Tester, you will be provided with a claiming code that you can enter here. In this case, the OCPP Chargebox ID and HTTP Basic password will be filled in automatically. No. If the hardware has not yet been installed and you do not have a claiming code, you can freely choose the OCPP Chargebox ID and the HTTP Basic password to use them when configuring the hardware later.

The OCPP Chargebox ID is an identifier that is used for OCPP chargers. In this context, it is equal to charging station ID described later.

Make sure that the OCPP Chargebox ID and HTTP Basic password match both in the hardware and vaylens.

Select whether a vaylens SIM card is used with the hardware and, if YES, enter the SIM ICCID that you can find on the SIM card or associated documents.

You can order a vaylens SIM card in our webshop. You can also use SIM cards from other providers!


Next, the charger’s charge points need to be defined. Please choose a charge port name for your charge point (more information in the wizard). The charge port name is also referred to later as the charge port ID.

Appropriately configured charge point stickers can be ordered in our webshop!

The EVSE ID is used for the internationally standardized identification of charge points and is therefore to be regarded as the equivalent of the charge port ID. An EVSE ID must be assigned if you wish to add your charger to eMarketplace.

The charging mode, connector type and format can be found in the device details of your hardware.

A distinction is made between alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) charging.

 If your charger has several charge points, repeat the step for each charge point.

Lastly, you can check your entries before confirming the creation of the charger. If you now navigate back to Charging infrastructure in the navigation bar on the left, you will find the charger you have just created in the list view. The charger is still in planned status and must now be put into operation so it can be used to its full extent. 


Commissioning a charger

Before commissioning your charger, some essential information must first be added.

Under Charging infrastructure, select the charger by clicking on the charging station ID and you will be taken to a detailed view of the charging station. In addition to a tab for the charging station and each associated charge point, you will find the following sub-tabs: Info, Address, Map, Access, Assignments, Device details, Attributes and OCPP communication. Click on the pencil icon on the right to edit information in the active tab.


You can initiate commissioning of the charger using the button Put into operation. A wizard will open and guide you through the individual steps.

First set the address of the charger by using the address search or entering the data manually. The Geo position is automatically determined from the address and can be fine-tuned by moving a marker on the map.

The Additional information to be filled in relates to the accessibility of the charger. Please note the following information on the Hotline and the Emergency contact:

  • Hotline: Telephone number that users can contact in the event of problems on site. If you have booked our 24/7 EV Driver Helpline, you can enter our helpline here.
  • Emergency contact: Someone who is available and able to act at any time and can switch off the power if necessary (e.g. janitor emergency service, pre-informed grid operator with access to the charger, homeowner, etc.).

In the next step, you configure the charge points of the charger. These settings are values that are configured in the hardware and used for plausibility checks during charging processes.

If the values are already pre-filled, they have been automatically transmitted by the charger. If the entry has not been made via automatic transmission by the charger, the values must be entered here manually.

Please check the values carefully as they need to match the actual configuration of the charger!

You can find some of these values in the product description of your charger and from your installer who configured the charger on site.


Finally, you can check your entries again before confirming commissioning.

✔️ Your charger has now been successfully set up and can be commercialised!