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  2. Using vaylens
  3. Control access to your chargers

Remote Control

How to use remote control to manage charging sessions from afar

At the lower edge of the charging station detail page are the control elements of the charge point, which enable remote control.

The Button Reserve can be used to reserve a charge point for 15 minutes for a certain EMAID. During the reservation time, charging operations can only be started by the registered EMAID. If you click on the reservation button, an input window opens in which you enter the relevant EMAID and your password.

The reservation function is only possible with the corresponding product.


By clicking on the Start button, a charging session can be authorized remotely. Three different Authentication types are available:

  1. Customer contract:
    ➛ Activation via customer contract means that the customer is billed for the charged energy on the basis of his customer contract. Firstly, you must select Customer contract in the opening input window and enter the EMAID and the password for the customer contract. For security reasons, the password cannot be read by the provider. Therefore, the end customer must provide the data in the context of a support request. In the Duration field, the maximum charging duration is specified. Click on Start charging to authenticate the charging process at the charge point.

  2. Goodwill activation
    ➛ Eine Goodwill activation means that the customer is not charged for the amount of energy charged. Please fill in the required customer information and a short problem description. In the Duration field, the maximum charging duration is specified. Click on Start charging to authenticate the charging process at the charge point.

  3. Voucher:
    ➛ Furthermore, it is possible to start a charging session remotely with the help of a voucher. Select the authentication type voucher and enter a voucher code that was created beforehand. Vouchers are session based and can be used for a complete charging process. By clicking on Start charging, the charging process is authenticated at the charge point. Further information on vouchers can be found in the chapter Voucher Management.

Please click on the Stop Charging button for stopping active sessions. In the opening window, all relevant information are shown to you. The button Stop stops the running charging session while validating with the charge point. By clicking on Fore stop, the charging session is stopped without validation.

The request to stop a charging process at the charge point is possible at any time. For example, it is also possible to stop charging processes that are not known to the backend, e.g. due to communication problems.


The Unlock button can be used to unlock the plug of the charge point. This may be necessary if a charging process has already been completed locally, but the customer cannot remove his charging cable. A window opens in which the unlocking of the plug must be confirmed by clicking on unlock. The plug is then unlocked at the charge point.