Get answers to frequently asked questions

Can I connect my charger from a third-party manufacturer, which I have already installed, to vaylens?

We are an open platform and support the most common types of chargers in the market. If the charger supports OCPP 1.5 or OCPP 1.6, it is also possible to connect it to our backend. Please contact your key account or consult our list of supported chargers.


What is the difference between BA-number and EVSE-number?

The BA-Number is assigned to Compleo charger per charge point. The EVSE-Number is a charge point number that is used as an identifier in the roaming network (Hubject, Ladenetz, Gireve etc.).


How can I delete a charger from the vaylens portal?

At present, a created charger cannot be removed independently from the vaylens portal. Please contact our vaylens Support to have the removal carried out.


How can I change Chargebox ID, Charging station ID and/or Charge port ID? 

At present, Chargebox ID, Charging station ID and Charge port ID cannot be changed independently in the vaylens portal. Please contact our vaylens Support to have the removal carried out.


How can I add a charger to my charging infrastructure in the vaylens portal?

Click on the 'Create charger' icon in the 'Charging infrastructure' menu to open the wizard for creating an OCPP 1.6 charger. We will guide you through every step of the process and ensure that everything runs smoothly. If you need further assistance, please refer to this related article and click-guide.


I read the above guides: where do I get all the required information?

Please contact the manufacturer of your charger to get all hardware related details. In case of a Compleo charger please use this form to get in touch with a staff member.


What is the difference between EKA Irrelevant, Open, Invalid and Valid?

The 'Charge records' overview provides you with an information on the EKA status which refers to whether a correct billing in conformity with calibration law is established. Four different status are possible: 

  • Open: The verification is still in progress.
  • Irrelevant: The verification of EKA is not necessary.
  • Valid: The verification was successfully completed and charging sessions can be billed to the end customer.
  • Invalid: The verification was not successfully completed.


    With the LG2WAN eStation smart or eBox smart, the "Update firmware" button is not displayed. Where do I get a firmware update?

    There is no feature to install a firmware update for these stations via the vaylens portal. The LG2WAN chargers are no longer produced and the firmware is no longer being developed. 
    FW 3.2.9 and 1.2.11 are the latest firmware versions for the gateway types "LSG" and "LSX". Required firmware updates are accepted and carried out by Compleo Support. A service request from the CPO is required for this.


    The amount charged is displayed as implausibly high in the vaylens portal. What do I do?

    The displayed charging data is transmitted by the charger/wallbox. Among other things, vaylens carries out plausibility checks and excludes implausible charging data records from further billing. As a CPO, you are shown the result of the plausibility check via the "Status" information in the charging data, giving you full transparency. We also provide you with the "Error rate" information, which shows you the frequency with which implausible meter values were transmitted, for example.
    The cause of implausible meter values lies in the installation or operational readiness of the meter itself, in the associated meter settings of the charger/wallbox or in an outdated firmware version. Further analysis and troubleshooting must therefore be carried out by the charger's manufacturer or its support team and/or an electrician. 


    Can I use the portal in the corporate design of my company?

    Yes - Upon request, we also design the portal in the corporate design of your company: from the logo to the company colours - we leave the stage to your brand. Please send your request to: help@emobility.software


    Do I need a SIM card for my chargers?

    No – a SIM card is included in the vaylens product and the charger is equipped with a SIM card. Through an APN connection we have implemented the highest security requirements for you.


    How can I view invoice details?

    Every three months, you will receive a postal invoice.


    How can I correctly interpret the current status of my charge points?

    • Available: The charge point is freely available.
    • Occupied: The charge point is busy. That means it is currently connected to a vehicle.
    • Need Service: The charge point is currently “out of service” or “unknown”. It is currently unable to connect to the charge point.
      You get information about the last successful communication of your charge point in the Charge Port Details.
    • Inoperative: The charge point has not yet been put into operation. These are often new charge points which still need to be installed and put into operation.


    What is the difference between the communication protocols LG2WAN and OCPP?

    vaylens supports all common communication protocols in the market. LG2WAN is a public available communication protocol which among others enables a settlement in accordance with legal regulations allowed at Compleo chargers. All common chargers types that support OCPP 1.5 as well as OCPP 1.6J can be connected to vaylens portal. vaylens supports all features of the OCPP protocol and we are constantly evolving in this regard and are already preparing OCPP 2.0.


    What is the HTTP Basic password and what is it used for?

    The HTTP Basic Password is an essential part of the communication between an OCPP 1.6 charger and vaylens portal. It is used to ensure authentication according to the OCPP specification during connection establishment.

    The password set in vaylens portal as HTTP Basic password must match the OCPP password configured locally at the charger.

    The choice of password is up to the user, but it should be noted that the password may be a maximum of 40 characters long according to the OCPP specification.

    There are two ways to configure the HTTP Basic password. You can either define it at the charger first and then enter it in vaylens portal or vice versa by first defining and saving it in vaylens portal and then entering it at the charger. The choice depends on your individual configuration preference.

    It is important to note that the password is encrypted after saving and can no longer be retrieved in plain text. If the password is no longer known, a "new HTTP basic password" can be assigned at any time.


    What is a claiming code and what is it used for?

    After an OCPP charger has been installed locally and configured for vaylens, the Charging Station Connectivity Tester web page can be used to check whether the charger can successfully connect to vaylens.

    If the verification is successful, you will receive a Claiming code on the Charging Station Connectivity Tester web page. This claiming code can then be used in the eOperate portal to create a charger.

    In the wizard for creating a charger, the fields OCPP chargebox ID and HTTP Basic Password are automatically pre-filled after entering the claiming code.


    How do I correctly interpret the configured authentication types?

    • orange underlined: Authentication types are configured and usable, but not visible in the eCharge+ app due to an inconsistency in the master data.
    • Grayed out: Authentication types are defined in the master data, but these are not configured on the charger. Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to use the authentication types on the charger. Please contact the service management help@emobility.software
    • Red exclamation mark: Authentication is active (Auth Mode ON), but no authentication types are configured. Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to use authentication types at the charger. Please contact the service management help@emobility.software
    • Yellow exclamation mark: Configured authentication types of the charge port could not be loaded, only the master data is displayed. Please contact the service management help@emobility.software


    How do I set my charger to public?

    You can make your charger publicly visible. This means for instance, that your charger is displayed in the eCharge + app. Making your charge publicly visible does not mean that it participates in roaming. Click on the quick config button in the 'Charging Station Details' and select POI "Shown" from the dropdown menu.


    Can I change the geographical coordinates of my charger?

    Yes, you can change the latitude and longitude in the Address tab on the 'Charging Station Details' page by clicking on the “pen” in the upper right corner for editing. Here, you can either type the coordinates or determine them by moving the flag on the map. 


    Can I also see my chargers in a map view?

    Yes – in the 'Charging Station Details' you can click on a map and see your chargers.


    How can I limit the power of a charger?

    You can change or adjust the maximum charging power by clicking on the “pen” in the 'Charge Port Details'.


    How can I change the authentication mode?

    You can change the authentication mode by clicking on the 'Quick config' button in the 'Charge Port Details'. Authentication “on” means that the customer must authenticate himself at the charger with an authentication medium (App, RFID, etc.). Authentication “off” means that the customer can start the charging process by plugging in the charging cable. Please note that all changes also need to be adjusted in the hardware configuration.


    How are the messages in the OCPP Communication tab structured?

    The communication between the OCPP charging pole and vaylens takes place via the Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP 1.5 and OCPP 1.6J). Further information on the structure of the OCPP messages is documented in the respective version of the OCPP specification (openchargealliance.org).


    Which errors exist and how are they taken into account for the error rate calculations?

    The following errors are considered in the calculations of the error rate:

    • Charge port failed to provide charge record
    • Canceled by EV Driver or timeout
    • Received incomplete charge record
    • Amount of consumed energy too low or implausible
    • Charging session implausible, start time in the future
    • Negative charging power
    • Negative energy consumption
    • Negative session duration
    • Power implausible for EVSE
    • No calibration law compliance
    • Others
    The following errors are not taken into account in the error rate calculations: Authorization failed


    Why are errors during authorization not considered for the calculations of the error rate?

    Since a failed authorization is a common use case and not a technical problem of the charge point, this error is not taken into account for the calculation.

    Possible Cause
    The means of payment (e.g. RFID card, EMAID activation, usage of APP) is not authorized to activate a charging session at this charge point.


    What does the error "Charge port failed to provide charge record" mean and what can I do as a charge point operator to fix the error?

    Possible Cause

    The charge point did not transmit the charge record (SDR) within the required time to the backend system.

    Solution approach

    The LOG files of the charge point/charger should be checked:

    • Was the charging session abruptly interrupted (restart, voltage loss or similar)?
    • Was an SDR recorded on the charger?
    • Has the charge point established a connection to the backend system?

    For further support, please contact your hardware manufacturer.


    What does the error "Canceled by EV-Driver or timeout" mean and what can I do as a charge point operator to fix the error?

    Possible Causes

    • The user held the RFID card for too long in front of the RFID reader and thus started and stopped the charging session.
    • A charging session was activated at the charge point, but no charging cable was plugged in respectively no vehicle was connected.

    Solution approach

    The configuration and the LOG file of the charge point/charger should be checked:

    • Is a sufficient "stop time" configured for the RFID reader? (Time in which the RFID card is not read out again.)
    • Is a sufficient "wait time" configured? (Duration in which the charge port waits for a vehicle to connect after activation.)

    For further support, please contact your hardware manufacturer.


    What does the error "Received incomplete charge record" mean and what can I do as a charge point operator to fix the error?

    Possible Cause

    The transmitted charge record (SDR) does not contain any meter information or is otherwise incomplete or incorrect.

    Solution approach

    The installed smart meter and the LOG file of the charge point/charge should be checked:

    • Is the smart meter installed correctly?
    • Is the installed smart meter functional?
    • Is the configuration of the charge set up correctly?
    • Has the charging session been completed correctly?


    What does the error "Amount of consumed energy too low or implausible" mean and what can I do as a charge point operator to fix the error?

    Possible Causes

    • The charge record indicates an amount of energy of 0kWh, with a plausible charging duration.
    • The charge record indicates a high (implausible) amount of energy, with a very short charging duration.

    Solution approach

    The installed smart meter and the LOG file of the charge point/charge should be checked:

    • Is the smart meter installed correctly?
    • Is the installed smart meter functional?
    • Is the configuration of the charger set up correctly?
    • Has the charging session been completed correctly?

    Possible Cause

    The charge record indicates an amount of energy of 0kWh, with a very short charging duration (a few seconds).

    Solution approach

    The configuration and the LOG file of the charge point/charger should be checked:

    • Is a sufficient "stop time" configured for the RFID reader? (Time in which the RFID card is not read out again.)

    Possible Cause

    The charge record indicates an implausible charging power. The charging power of the charging session was greater than the "maximum charging power" (voltage, current and phasing) set in vaylens.

    Solution approach

    The stored information (connection) of the charger in vaylens should be checked :
    Are the charger information for the connection (amperage, voltage, phasing) set correctly in vaylens?


    What does the error "Charging session implausible, start time in the future" mean and what can I do as a charge point operator to fix the error?

    Possible Cause

    The timestamp contained in the charge record (SDR) is in the future.

    Solution approach

    The configuration and the LOG file of the charge point/charger should be checked

    • Is the correct time server respectively time configured?
    • Can the charger reach the configured time server?


    What does the error "Negative charging power" mean and what can I do as a charge point operator to fix the error?

    Possible Cause

    The charging session reported by the charge point to the backend has a calculated negative charging power.

    Solution approach

    It should be checked why an implausible charging amount was reported by the smart meter:

    • Did the smart meter fail during the charging session?
    • Was the charger restarted during the charging session?
    • Is the smart meter installed correctly?
    • Is the charger configured correctly? (Absolute/Relative meter values)

    For further support please contact the hardware manufacturer.


    What does the error "Negative energy consumption" mean and what can I do as a charge point operator to fix the error?

    Possible Cause

    The charging session was reported to the backend with a negative amount of consumed kWh from the charge point.

    Solution approach

    It should be checked why an implausible charging amount was reported by the smart meter:

    • Did the smart meter fail during the charging session?
    • Was the charger restarted during the charging session?
    • Is the smart meter installed correctly?
    • Is the charger configured correctly? (Absolute/Relative meter values)

    For further support please contact the hardware manufacturer.


    What does the error "Negative session duration" mean and what can I do as a charge point operator to fix the error?

    Possible Cause

    The duration of the charging session was reported with a negative time period from the charge point to the backend.

    Solution approach

    It should be checked why implausible times were reported by the charger:

    • Did the smart meter fail during the charging session?
    • Was the charger  restarted during the charging session?
    • Is the smart meter installed correctly?
    • Is the time set on the charger  correct?

    For further support please contact the hardware manufacturer.


    What does the error "Power implausible for EVSE" mean and what can I do as a charge point operator to fix the error?

    Possible Cause

    The average power does not match the configured power of the EVSE (10% tolerance).

    Solution approach

    The "Charging power" set in vaylens portal differs from the actual charging power of the charge point.
    Please adjust the "Charging power" configured in vaylens portal. The data sheet of the charger provides you with information about the values to be entered.


    What does the error "No calibration law compliance" mean and what can I do as a charge point operator to fix the error?

    Possible Cause

    The charging session is not compliant with the calibration law.

    Solution approach

    Please check:

    • Is the installed smart meter calibrated?
    • Is the smart meter installed correctly?
    • Is the charger configured correctly? (OCMF active?)
    • Has the smart meter failed during the charging session?
    • Was the charger restarted during the charging session?

    For further support please contact the hardware manufacturer.


    What does the error "Others" mean and what can I do as a charge point operator to fix the error?

    Possible Causes

    • The charger is not connected to the backend system. Charging start or stop commands cannot be transmitted to the charge point.
    • The charger/charge point has a hardware defect and cannot execute the charging start or stop command.
    • A "fuse failure" (or similar) has occurred at the used charge point, which has abruptly ended the charging session.

    Solution approach

    It should generally be checked:

    • Does a connection exist between the charge port and vaylens Portal (charge point status)?
    • Does a hardware defect or malfunction exist at the connection (on site)?
    • Is the charge port status "backup failure" displayed in vaylens portal?

    If you cannot determine any errors, our support will be happy to help you.


    How can I understand an Authentication Medium of a charging session?

    At Charge records you have the possibility to follow every charging process. You can open the authentication information by clicking on the down arrow. There you can follow the EMAID, the RFID-Number or the voucher number used.


    What does the BDR status mean?

    The status indicates whether a charging session is automatically settled. A charge record can transition to one of 5 main statuses:

    • ErrorThe session data is corrupt and won't be processed
    • ExclusionThe session data is excluded from further processing
    • Successful with restrictionsThe session data was processed successfully, but is subject to special regulations
    • SuccessfulProcessing successful
    • UnknownThe session was processed successfully, but no further information are available

    Each main status is subdivided into several detailed statuses:

    1. Main status: Error
      • Session data already exists
      • EMP unknown
      • Charging session implausible, start time in the future
      • Negative charging power
      • Negative energy consumption
      • Negative session duration
      • Power implausible for EVSE
    2. Main Status: Exclusion
      • Consumption too low: The charged energy was below 0.2kWh during the session
      • Consumption too high: The total amount of charged energy exceeded 5000kWh
      • Charging duration too short: Charging duration less than 1 minute
      • Charging duration too long: Charging duration longer than 14 days
      • Fair mode
      • Transnational charging (not supported)
      • CPO voucher
      • Goodwill
      • Manual: The charging session was manually excluded
    3. Main Status: Successful (with restrictions)
      • Own charge
      • No calibration law compliance


    How can I export Infrastructure- and Charging Data?

    Under the menu item 'Charging Infrastructure' as well as under the menu item 'Charge records' you can export a CSV-Export file with data to your charging infrastructure or charging data by clicking on the CSV-Export icon.


    What does „legal settlement – EKA” mean?

    In Germany, the measurement and calibration act (MessEG) regulates all framework conditions that are associated with the "conducted delivery of electricity". At all Compleo chargers, it is already possible to charge for kilowatt hours (kWh), in accordance with legal requirements. You can check and view every charging process according to a settlement that complies with legal requirements.


    What is CheckBill?

    CheckBill is transparency software, which allows the CPO to check selected charging data end-to-end for legal requirements.


    How can I adjust the opening hours of my charge points?

    Under Opening hours you have the possibility to create a group from your chargers. You can assign opening hours to this group while your customers can use the charging infrastructure. In addition, you can set the behaviour outside the opening hours:

    Operative: Chargers can still be used for charging sessions. Though, these are not publicly visible and therefore not shown in the eCharge + app.
    Inoperative: Chargers are set inoperative and are not available for the user outside of the opening hours.
    If not assigned to a group of opening hours, the chargers are available 24/7.


    Which charging infrastructure notifications can I get send automatically by mail?

    • FUSE_Tripped


    Which Load Management strategy makes the most sense for my chargers?

    Load Management gives you different opportunities for managing the charging power of you charging infrastructure. According to the motto “the right energy output at the right time”, by using load management you can, on the one hand, protect your charging infrastructure by mapping technical restrictions (e.g. maximum charging power of a location). On the other hand, you can optimize the charging sessions of your customers to give your customers the best possible experience in electric driving. To achieve these goals, various load management strategies are available:

      • Fix: charging ports are assigned a fix defined maximum charging power, which in total must not exceed the total capacity.
      • First Come First Served: Charges which started first receive the specified maximum charging power until the defined total capacity has been reached. If there is not enough capacity left to start a charging session with maximum charging power, the charging session is started with the available capacity as long as it exceeds the specified minimum charging power. If this is also not possible, new charging sessions will be paused until the capacity in the cluster becomes available again. First of all, loading processes with minimal capacity are increased to the maximum capacity before further charging sessions are started.
    • Dynamic limits: All charging sessions in the cluster are optimized with each change in charging power (e.g. starting or stopping a charge) against the total capacity defined. The aim is to provide optimal charging for all charging operations at the scheduled departure time. The efficiency of the strategy is improved as more information is available to the system regarding the charging sessions. Thus, the battery capacity, the initial battery level and the departure time (e.g. via the eCharge+ App) can be given to the vaylens system as an optimization parameter for a charging session. The system also supports communication between the electric vehicle and the charging infrastructure in accordance with ISO 15118 (SMART charging). The direct transmission of the required parameters by the electric vehicle to the vaylens system can further increase the efficiency of the optimization. Finally, the dynamic load management via an interface offers the possibility of influencing the optimization by connecting external systems.


    What is an EMAID and how and where can I charge with it?

    You use the EMA-ID “e-Mobility Account Identifier” to clearly identify your customer. These EMAID consists of

    • the country code (DE)
    • the provider ID if the e-mobility provider (3 digits)
    • a 9-digit alphanumeric string (eMA Instance)
    • and a check digit.

    You can create EMAIDs on your own and always see and edit them under "EMOBILITY- ACCOUNT IDENTIFIER".

    A creation of EMAIDs is only possible with the assignment of a service.

    To generate an EMAID you need an own provider ID. In Germany, you can apply for this provider ID at the BDEW. Then please send the provider ID to help@emobility.software for setup. If you have any questions, please contact our support at 00 800 46 66 49 73 (international call free number).

    You can use the EMAID + password (click on EMAID and click on the pen on the top right) to charge at your chargers by entering this information in the eCharge+ App under “means of payment”, “add carpower contract”.

    Further information about the eCharge+ App: eCharge+ App

    The country code “DE” and the provider ID will be assigned by a contracting authority at the request of the company. The company can choose the provider ID on his own, if it is not already assigned or protected under trademark protection law. The eMA instances are created by the e-Mobility provider. This consists of 9 alphanumeric characters (numbers and letters), which can be freely selected. Please note that when applying for the provider ID or when assigning the eMA instance, the uppercase and lowercase version of a character must match with the same character (A=a, etc.). (For the EMAID structure).

    Source and other information under: https://bdew-codes.de/Codenumbers/EMobilityId


    How can I use an RFID Card as an authentication medium?

    You can add an RFID card to an EMAID by adding the UID (Unique ID) to the corresponding field in the EMAID view.

    All RFID Cards, RFID Smart Card Chip and MIFARE DESFire Chip EV2; Frequency: 13.56 MHz; Memory size: 8192 bytes; ISO standard: 1443A accepted.

    You can enter changes in the first field, change the mapping of RFID cards, or add more services. Please save the changes or cancel if you wish. In the event that you want to create a new EMAID, click “Create EMAID”. You will get the following view for entering all necessary data:

    The UID (Unique ID) of the identification medium must be entered as REV-HEX-Code as the specification requires it. If you do not know this data, please contact the manufacturer of the medium. 
    You can use certain smartphone apps to read the RFID tag of an RFID card.


    How can I use my created voucher?

    Coupon management allows you to generate coupons for your end users to allow them to unlock their own charging infrastructure. Please follow these steps:

      • In the menu, click on 'Voucher management' in the category 'Manage'.
      • If you have already generated vouchers for your customers, a list of all vouchers will be displayed.
      • You can filter the results based on the status of the coupons by selecting the desired status (active/inactive) from the “Status” dropdown menu.
      • To create a new voucher, click on the icon „Create“.
      • Please enter the amount of vouchers which you would like to create, or alternatively create a voucher that can be used for multiple charging sessions.
      • Additionally, enter a name for the voucher group and a precise period during which the voucher can be used. Click on “Create” to generate the voucher. You can also cancel the process.
      • New vouchers will be listed in the result list after they have been created.

    Note that you can also delete vouchers from the list by clicking on the deletion icon at the bottom of each voucher line.

    • You can then enter the voucher code in the eCharge+ App to start a charging session.


    I forgot my password – what can I do?

    You can always reset your password at vaylens Portal by using the "Forgotten password" function.


    I have a new email address – what can I do?

    No problem – please contact help@emobility.software


    What is meant by a location and what benefits does it bring me?

    Locations can be used as part of user management to allow individual users access to only part of their charging infrastructure. For example, they can subdivide their charging infrastructure into different company locations and give the respective location manager access to the charging infrastructure of their location. Access to other locations, which are not within the area of responsibility, can thus be excluded.


    What roles can I use and create in the portal?

    vaylens portal allows individual creation of user groups, which can be limited to the required responsibilities or permissions. (For example, only the admin can create new users or change tariffs, while an operator only needs the permissions to start up and maintain chargers.) The groups can be managed under Portal → Portal user. Every business partner receives an admin account. This role contains the highest privilege level and can create additional admins as well as any number of operator. These two roles have the following permissions:


    • Manage users
    • Manage locations
    • Create and manage EMAIDs
    • Manage Charging Infrastructure
    • Price maintenance per charging port (only combined with eMarketplace)
    • Maintain and manage tariffs (EMP-view)


    • Create and manage EMAIDs
    • Manage charging infrastructure


    My account is locked – what can I do?

    You may have entered your password incorrectly too many times. For security reasons, your account has been suspended. Please contact your admin who is authorized to unlock the blocking under Portal → Portal user → name

    If your admin is locked, you can contact help@emobility.software


    Is there a current malfunction?

    Current malfunctions are listed on the status page https://status.services-emobility.com/.


    Which charger manufacturers work with vaylens?

    A list of the successfully integrated hardware can be found under: https://www.compleo-charging.com/produkte/software-produkte


    How/where can I report an error?

    An error at a charge point can be reported via the support button on the charge point details page.


    What is LG2WAN?

    LG2WAN is a proprietary charger protocol that was developed in 2008 by the charger manufacturer RWE. It is supported by vaylens, but no new chargers of this type are being produced.


    What is a CCS Type 2?

    CCS (Combined Charging System) Type 2 is the standard plug for DC charging in Europe and Asia, CCS Type 1 is more common in the United States.


    Where can I update a charger's firmware?

    You can trigger a firmware update on the 'Charging Station Details' page (as long as an update for this hardware is available). 


    Which API products are available?

    Documentation of the API interfaces of vaylens can be viewed at https://econnect.services-emobility.com/. For further information, please contact your vaylens support.


    How do I book a product?

    To book a product, please contact our sales team via https://emobility.software/selbstregistrierung-eoperate/


    How do I order a SIM card for my hardware?

    You can order a SIM card from any carrier and use it in conjunction with vaylens. It is not necessary to use a special SIM card. Nevertheless, it is possible and can be helpful in certain cases to use a special SIM card for vaylens. Please get in touch with your sales team.


    Which MSPs can charge in the eMarketplace charging network?

    As of May 2024, the following MSPs can charge in the eMarketplace charging network:

    • Zunder
    • Grid & Co. GmbH
    • charge4go AB
    • Greenbow A/S
    • flyElectric EMP
    • Neogy srl
    • JUCR GmbH
    • CHARGE&GO D.O.O.
    • Electriease srl
    • Threeforce B.V. (EMP)
    • Spirii ApS
    • Trafineo GmbH & Co. KG
    • MOVE Mobility AG
    • Porsche Sales & Marketplace GmbH
    • Octopus Electroverse Ltd
    • BeMo
    • Wevee Technologies B.V
    • Saascharge International GmbH.
    • BayWa Mobility Solutions GmbH
    • chargecloud GmbH
    • Westfalen AG (EMP)
    • EnBW mobility+ AG & Co. KG
    • Dabco Limited (Vodafone / Pairpoint)
    • Mer Germany GmbH
    • CEZ, a. s.
    • ChargePoint Austria GmbH
    • Monta ApS
    • EVDC Network
    • ON Drive Germany
    • EWE Go GmbH (DE-EWE)
    • EWE Go GmbH (DE-WAY)
    • Kuwait Petroleum (Belgium) N.V. (EMP)
    • Bosch Charging Solutions GmbH
    • Be Charge S.r.l
    • Liikennevirta Oy (EMP)
    • ON Energie, a.s.
    • Electromaps S.L.
    • Digital Charging Solutions GmbH
    • Plugsurfing GmbH
    • Shell EV Charging Solutions B.V.
    • Wirelane GmbH
    • Lichtblick eMobility GmbH
    • msu solutions GmbH
    • KZY Marketplace Solutions GmbH
    • Maingau Energie GmbH
    • Go Electric Stations SRLS
    • InCharge AB
    • Repower AG
    • Mega M d.o.o.
    • Deftpower (Enercity)
    • Deftpower B.V. (Fisker Inc Europe )
    • Deftpower B.V. (Sparki)
    • Deftpower   BV (CH-AVI)
    • Deftpower B.V. (DE-GMC)
    • Deftpower BV (Athlon)
    • Deftpower BV (NL-ANW)
    • Deftpower B.V. (FR*EMF)
    • Deftpower B.V. (NL*AVI)
    • Deftpower B.V. (NL-LKS)
    • Deftpower BV (NL-VME)
    • Deftpower B.V. (ConnectNed0
    • Berkman Energy Services B.V.
    • Deftpower / Norwegian EV Association
    • Route220 Srl
    • Eneco eMobility B.V.
    • 800 Volt Technologies GmbH
    • GP JOULE Connect GmbH
    • autoSense
    • Go To-U Inc.
    • Volkswagen Group Charging GmbH (Germany)


    A charging session shows a negative kWh quantity, why is that and what do I need to change?

    There appears to be an error with the charger. You can try restarting the charger via vaylens. If this does not help, ask the manufacturer of your charger whether a firmware update is available.


    How do I put a charger into operation?

    You can put a charger into operation via vaylens portal. If the charger does not yet exist, you can create it via the station importer. You can decide whether the charger is initially be created in ‘Planned’ or already ‘Installed’ status. Different mandatory fields must be filled in depending on the status.
    If the charger was created in ‘Planned’ status, you can then put it into operation by clicking the ‘put into operation’ button at charger level.


    Where can I get the public key for my charger?

    You will receive the meter master data from your hardware supplier. The public key, the meter number and the calibrated to date are particularly relevant here.


    How do I restart a charger?

    To restart a charger, navigate to a charge point on the charger and select the ‘Restart controller’ command.


    What can I do in the ‘Attributes’ tab of a charger?

    You can enter customer-specific attributes in the attributes tab. Possible values include an internal cost centre structure, individual contact persons or other properties of the column.
    You can also read the attributes via API.


    When will I receive my vaylens invoice?

    Please refer to your contract for the billing modalities agreed with you.


    I have not yet received my invoice. What do I do?

    Please refer to the billing modalities agreed with you in your contract. If the period from the contracts has been exceeded, please contact our Service Desk.


    How high are the prices that I can set for a charging session?

    Please refer to the document centre for the current upper limits for CPO prices: https://www.compleo-charging.com/produkte/document-center/document-center-emarketplace 


    Why can't I set a price per minute?

    Please refer to the document centre for the currently applicable conditions for defining CPO prices: https://www.compleo-charging.com/produkte/document-center/document-center-emarketplace  


    My charging session shows negative energy levels in vaylens portal. What is the cause?

    There appears to be an error with the charger. You can try restarting the charger via vaylens. If this does not help, ask the manufacturer of your charger whether a firmware update is available.


    vaylens shows implausible (negative or too high) charging quantities. As a result, the dashboard is broken. How can I delete/clean up incorrect charging sessions?

    Implausible charging sessions are noted with an error. You can view incorrect charging sessions in the charging data overview. With the release on xx.xx.xxxx., this incorrect data will automatically no longer be included in the dashboard.


    Why can I activate neither direct payment nor roaming at my charge point?

    To mark a charging session, it is necessary that it is configured correctly and that you have completed and assigned the required products. You can check this in the ‘Assignments’ tab of your charger. Both the eOperate Professional product and the eMarketplace CPO product are required.
    You can assign products to your chargers in vaylens and the ‘Assign products’ menu. If the required product is not listed, please contact your sales contact person.


    How can I change masses of master data at my chargers?

    It is possible to download an Excel export for OCPP charges. Changes can be made here and the file with the changes can then be imported again.


    How can I change the OCPP configuration of my chargers en masse?

    Mass modification of OCPP parameters is currently not possible in vaylens portal. However, it is possible to make mass changes via our APIs.


    No OCPP parameters are displayed for modification in vaylens portal. The list is empty.

    Make sure that the charger is connected online to the backend. Click on the Refresh button in the OCPP parameters tab to load the configuration of the charger. In the ‘OCPP Communication’ tab, you can closely monitor whether communication with the charger is successful. If problems occur, rebooting the charger can also be helpful.


    We would like to analyse charge records in vaylens going back more than 2 years. Is it possible to set this?

    No. The analysis of charge records is generally limited to the last 2 years.


    How do I migrate an OCPP 1.5 charger to OCPP 1.6?

    Migration via vaylens is currently not possible. You can upgrade the firmware via vaylens, then contact our support team to change your master data in the backend.


    Do I have to maintain the meter data for my chargers?

    The meter data must be recorded depending on the intended use of the charger. In the case of OCPP columns, it is generally not necessary to record the data. However, it can be helpful to maintain the meter data, as only then is it possible to check the OCMF signatures.

    For LG2WAN chargers in Germany, it is necessary to record the meter master data to ensure that the chargers are operated in compliance with calibration law.


    Where do I get my meter master data from?

    You will receive the meter master data from your hardware supplier. The public key, the meter number and the calibrated to date are particularly relevant here.


    How can I prevent my chargers from being displayed in the app?

    POI (=Point of interest): The POI field defines whether the location of the charger is published in the eCharge+ app, for example, or transmitted to connected map providers such as Google or Apple Maps.
    ➛ Show (‘Shown’): The POI data of the charger is publicly available.
    ➛ Do not show (‘Not Shown’): By default, the charger is not displayed on the map of the eCharge+ app or transmitted to connected Maps providers. Attention: Various configurations can lead to the charger being displayed on the map of the eCharge+ app or in the systems of roaming partners.
    As soon as an EV driver is authorised to charge at the charger with their contract (EMAID) stored in the eCharge+, the charger is visible to them. This is the case if an authorisation is maintained via the Access Management Module or the roaming function is activated.
    If Roaming+ is activated for the charger, the charger is transmitted to the connected roaming partners.
    Furthermore, the charge points can also be found with the POI setting ‘do not display’ by directly entering the charge point number in the eCharge+ app or on the ePowerdirect website.


    What requirements and steps are necessary to create and manage an EMAID? And how can you activate or deactivate an EMAID for roaming?

    The prerequisites for creating and managing an EMAID are the ‘EMAID’ product and a vaylens user with the corresponding authorisation role.
    An EMAID is created in ‘EMAID/RFID Management’. 
    A password can then be assigned to this created EMAID for use in the eCharge+ app and (if desired) one or more RFID charging cards can be assigned.
    The status ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive’ can also be set here so that EMAIDs can be deactivated at any time. 
    If roaming is desired for the EMAID (and optionally assigned charging card(s)), the ‘eMarketplace EMP’ product is also required. 
    A created EMAID can be activated or deactivated for roaming via the ‘Access control’ menu item.
    On the ‘Access control’ page, select the ‘EMAID group’ area. 
    Create or edit an EMAID group and assign the previously created EMAID to it. You can then set roaming for this EMAID group.


    What requirements must be met for a charge point to be authenticated and authorised with an EMAID or RFID charging card? And where can I set the authentication mode for the charge point?

    In order for a charge point to be authenticated/activated with an EMAID or RFID charging card, the charger must have the ‘eOperate Professional’ product. 
    In addition, the charge point must be set to activated ‘Authentication mode’ in vaylens. You can set this via the ‘Quick configuration’, ‘Configuration’ or ‘Parameters’, which you can find directly on the charge point page.


    How are EMAID groups and charge point groups assigned to enable authentication and activation with an EMAID or RFID charging card at your own charge points? And what additional settings can be made for the charge point groups and EMAID groups?

    For authentication/activation with EMAID or RFID charging card to work at your own charge points, there must be a corresponding assignment between the ‘EMAID group’ and the ‘charge point group/s’. 
    You make these settings via the ‘Access control’ menu item. Under ‘Charge point group’ you define groups of charge points. Under ‘EMAID group’, you define groups of EMAIDs (and RFID cards). You can then use the ‘EMAID group’ to set which ‘charge point group(s)’ can be authenticated/activated with this EMAID group.
    You can also set whether this group participates in roaming or not for each ‘Charge point group’ and each ‘EMAID group’.


    What are the typical causes of unsuccessful activation of a charge point with EMAID or RFID charging card?

    If a charge point displays the status ‘Not available’ (or ‘Out of order’, ‘Inoperative’, ‘Error’), this may be the cause of a faulty activation. 
    Activation requires a stable and error-free connection between the charge point and vaylens, which is not the case with these statuses. 
    Further error analysis for such charge point statuses must be supported by the charger's manufacturer.

    1. The EMAID has no activation authorisation because the charge point does not participate in roaming.
    2. The EMAID does not have an activation authorisation because the EMAID does not participate in roaming.
    3. The charge point does not offer the ‘activation type’ used. E.g. because the charger does not have an RFID reader installed. 


    What is meant by the term ‘Charge records’ and how does this differ from the information displayed in the ‘Activation overview’?

    All charging data/BDRs are displayed and made available under ‘Charge records’. During the charging session, a ‘CDR’ is logged locally by the charger. All counter values and times of the process are recorded here. At the end of the charging session, this CDR is transmitted from the charge point to vaylens and made available under ‘Charge records’. Compliance with calibration law can and is only guaranteed with this CDR, which is why the ‘Charge records’ must not be confused with the ‘Activation overview’.


    What is the 'Activation overview' used for? How does the information displayed in the 'activation overview' differ from the information in the ‘Charge records’?

    The 'Activation overview' provides a live overview of the authentications/activations at the charging infrastructure. The ‘session information’ that is transmitted during the charging session is displayed here. This information does not serve as ‘Charge records’, as a different data source is used here.


    Where do I find information on releases?

    Detailed information on all releases can be found on the FAQ page in vaylens portal as well as in our Document centre.


    How can I set or limit the charging power of my charger/wallbox/charge point?

    To set the charging power of the charger/charging box or charge points, the configuration of the charger/charging box must be set accordingly. The basic requirement and limit is still the connected load on site.
    You can view and set the configuration of a charger/charging box via vaylens as follows (to change the configuration via vaylens, there must be an active connection to the charger, the charge point status must not be ‘not available’):

    OCPP 1.6: Open the desired charge point in vaylens and select ‘OCPP parameters’. You can use the ‘pencil icon’ to edit the relevant parameter and thus configure the charger/charge points.  
    The parameter responsible for the ‘maximum charging power’, for example, depends on the manufacturer and model of the charger/charging box. Please contact the manufacturer or check the documentation provided.

    LG2WAN: Open the desired charge point in vaylens and select ‘LG2WAN parameters’. You can use the ‘pencil icon’ to set various settings, such as ‘Max. charging current’ or the authentication mode.
    -> Alternatively, you can click on the ‘Quick configuration’ button on the charge point in vaylens and make basic settings here.


    How do I order SIM cards or charge point stickers or QR code stickers or Intercharge stickers for my charger?

    SIM cards and charge point stickers can be ordered in our partner webshop at www.chargepoint-supplies.com.


    Which languages are available in vaylens?

    vaylens can be used in Danish, German, English, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Dutch and Swedish.


    What is eMarketplace?

    eMarketplace is Vaylen's marketing platform. With eMarketplace CPO, vaylens markets the CPO's charging current to roaming partners and EV drivers (direct payment). With eMarketplace EMP, vaylens provides the EMP with a charging network in which the EMP's customers can charge.


    Where do I find the API documentation?

    The documentation for using our APIs can be found at https://econnect.services-emobility.com/interfaces.  


    What is an EMAID?

    EMAID stands for ‘e-Mobility Account Identifier’ and is used to uniquely identify your customer. An EMAID consists of the country code (e.g. DE), the provider ID of the e-mobility provider (3 digits), a 9-digit alphanumeric character string (eMA Instance) and a check digit. Under ‘EMAID/RFID Management’ you can display, create and edit EMAIDs yourself. 


    How can I change a user's name?

    The first or last name of a user can be changed by a vaylens administrator of the organisation of the logged-in user. The user to be changed can be searched for and edited under ‘Portal’ -> ‘Portal user’. If you are a vaylens administrator in your organisation, contact another person who is also an administrator, as your own user cannot be changed. If you are the only administrator, please contact customer support. To change the e-mail address, a new user must be created.


    How do I activate an RFID card?

    To assign an RFID card to an EMAID, add the UID (Unique ID) of the card in the corresponding field in the EMAID view. The UID of the identification medium must be entered as a REV-HEX code, as required by the specification. If you do not know this data, please contact the manufacturer of the medium.
    Make sure that the authorisations for charging at the desired charger are configured correctly. 


    How do I set prices for blocking a parking space?

    From a certain charging time, in addition to the price per kWh, a price per minute can also be charged, e.g. from 240 minutes, 10ct/min. In this way, the blocking of parking spaces despite a fully charged battery can be charged for.


    How can I set the EVSE ID?

    The EVSE ID of a charge point can be edited in the charge point details in the Configuration tab.


    How can I bill all customers in vaylens?

    vaylens does not offer a function for billing end customers. These are billed by the MSP with which the respective driver has concluded a contract.
    If you use vaylens as an MSP, you can filter the corresponding charging sessions in the menu 'Charge records' in the EMAID tab and export them as a CSV file.
    This file also contains prices that have been calculated using the car electricity tariffs stored in vaylens and can be used for billing outside vaylens, depending on the contract with the customer.


    Which backend URL do I need to set on the charger?

    The backend URL to be set is output in the summary for the technician after the charger has been set up, together with other relevant information such as the HTTP basic password.
    The vaylens backend URLs are as follows, depending on the communication protocol:

    OCPP 1.6: wss://prod.services-emobility.com/device/ocpp16

    OCPP 2.0: wss://prod.services-emobility.com/device/ocpp20

    OCPP 1.5:


    Where in the backend is the public key stored?

    The public key does not need to be stored in the backend. If you want to enter any other information about a charger, you can do this via the attributes on the charger. 


    How do I configure the charger so that RFID cards and EMAIDs can charge there?

    To set up a charger for RFID cards and EMAIDs, you must ensure that the charger is correctly configured and that the required products have been booked and assigned. Check this in the vaylens ‘Assignments’ tab of your charger. Both the eOperate Professional product and the eMarketplace CPO product are required. 

    In addition, your charger needs to be assigned the correct authentication mode, charge point and EMAID groups need to be assigned accordingly and EMAID settings need to be configured in regard to RFID assignment, validity and roaming.


    How can I use an EMAID?

    To use an EMAID to charge at your chargers, enter the EMAID and password in the eCharge+ app under ‘Payment method’ and ‘Add Carpower contract’.

    You can find more information about the eCharge+ app at: http://compleo-cs.com/app 


    Why is 0.58 EUR / session being charged?

    vaylens charges a session fee for direct payment at AC charge points to cover the payment service provider's session fee.


    How does the billing of a voucher work?

    If you issue a voucher to your customers as a CPO, you bear the corresponding costs. Billing is time-based. This means that you are charged for the duration of the charging session based on the stored tariffs. 


    How is billing done if the EMP and the CPO are the same?

    If CPO and EMP are the same party, we at vaylens refer to this as owncharge. vaylens does not assume any billing in this case.


    How to change the charging mode of a charger?

    Once set up, a charger's charging mode cannot be changed.


    What's the difference between Charge Records and Activation Overview?

    The Charge records show the charging sessions carried out at your charging infrastructure or by the EMAIDs you have assigned. The results are limited to the last 30 days by default, but can be customized with a filter. You can choose between a list view or a graphical view.
    The list in the Charge port tab shows start, end and duration of a charging session as well as the amount of energy charged. You also receive information about the authentication source used and the charge port status as well as the billing data status in compliance with calibration law (EKA).

    The Activation overview provides you with real-time information on charging sessions. The status of a charging session, starting from the user's authentication at the charging station to the creation of a charging receipt, is displayed here. This allows to track the progress of a charging session and any errors that may occur.