How to assign products

Why products need to be assigned and how to do it

In the menu item Assign Products you can assign already purchased vaylens products and upgrades to your chargers. The overview page of this menu item displays the products you have already purchased. The products are subdivided into:

  • Station Products: Products booked by you that need to be assigned to the chargers that are supposed to be used with the product
  • My services: Products booked by you which are automatically applied to your infrastructure

In addition to the Product Name and the Product Code, a start date, an end date and a limit may be displayed.

  • Start date: Only displayed if the product is not yet active. In this case, a Zz-icon is also displayed in the tile.
  • End date: Only displayed if the product was canceled on a specific date. Products that have already been canceled are not displayed.
  • Limit: Only displayed if the number of product assignments is limited. Usually, unlimited assignments are possible.

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If you click on a product within the overview, a detailed view Assignments opens, in which assignments that have already been made are displayed. The following information are provided:

  1. Charging station ID
  2. Charge port ID
  3. Current: Indicates which charge mode (AC = alternating current; DC = direct current) can be used to charge at the charge point.
  4. Invoice Reference: The invoice reference can be freely chosen upon assignment.
  5. Start date: The date on which the assignment becomes active.
  6. End date: The date on which the assignment becomes inactive.
  7. Status: Assignment status of the product.
    • Initial: Product assignment is not yet active as the start date is in the future.
    • Active: Product assignment has been made and exists.
    • Expired: Product assignment is no longer active because the end date has been exceeded.
    • Pending: The assignment is being processed.

The table can be sorted and filtered by statusinvoice referencestart date and end date. In addition, a search function is available to filter by charging station ID or charge port ID.

Accumulated information of the product assignments is displayed next to the heading:

  • Charging stations: The number of chargers to which the selected product has been assigned (regardless of status).
  • Active: Number of active product assignments.
  • Initial: Number of product assignments that are not yet active as the respective start date is in the future.
  • Expired: Number of product assignments that have already expired because the end date has been exceeded.

Please note that assignments for pure AC chargers are billed per charge point and for pure DC chargers and chargers with AC and DC charge points are billed per charger. The accumulated information takes this into account.

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Next to the Assignments tab there is another Info tab. General information about the product can be viewed using this tab.

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By clicking on the Assign product symbol you can assign the selected product to chargers.
A modal opens that guides you through the necessary steps. In the first step, general information about product assignments is provided.

In the second step, chargers can be selected from the displayed list to which the product should be assigned to. Selected charging stations are also represented by a chip at the bottom of the selection list. To deselect, you can either cancel the selection in the list or use the chip of the respective charger (X). Various filters and the Magic Search are available to restrict the selection list. All chargers on a page can be selected or deselected using the selection box in the list header.

Only chargers that have not yet the selected product assigned and meet the requirements for the product are displayed. For example, an AC product can only be assigned to a pure AC chargers.

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In the next step, an individual invoice reference can be specified. By default, exactly one invoice reference is assigned per assignment process for all selected charge points. If multiple charge points have been selected, the input can be extended via a toggle button so that one reference can be specified for each charge point. Entering an invoice reference is optional.

Click the Save button to confirm the selection and carry out the assignment process.

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Portal - Location management08For some products, an additional product is automatically added the first time it is assigned to a charger. In that case, a pop-up is displayed which provides information on this additional product. An assignment can only be made if the automatic assignment is also accepted by clicking on Continue for the additional product.

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It may take a few minutes for the assignment to be successfully completed. As long as the assignment is still being processed, the status Pending is displayed. If the assignment is not conducted within an hour, processing will be canceled. In this case, please carry out the assignment again.

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