All about the Charge Records

Get to know the Charge Records and how to use them to monitor charging sessions

In the menu item Monitor > Charge records you can see all charging sessions based on EMAIDs given by you or started at your charging infrastructure. In addition, you can download the calibration law compliant billing data (EKA data) here. The page is divided into two levels:

  1. On the first level, the tabs are located according to the respective port of view. On the tab Charge port, all charging sessions from CPO view concerning charge points can be found. The tab EMAID shows all charging sessions concerning contracts from EMP view.
  2. On the second level, you can switch between the two layouts List and Graph .

The results can be reduced by selecting locations and filter criteria. The following are selectable: Voucher, EKA, Current Type, Authentication type, Period and Billing Data Record (BDR) status.

By selecting the default location all loading processes are displayed, whereas the result list is restricted to loading processes of its members when selecting a location.

Further filter options are available in the filter directly above the result list. For example EKACurrent typeAuthentication SourcePeriodStatus and Currency are selectable.

By selecting the default location all charging sessions are displayed, whereas the result list is restricted to charging sessions of its members when selecting a location.

In addition, charge points can be filtered by directly entering a Country, a city ZIP Code or City or a street and house number.

Using the Magic Search at the right edge of the header, you can search directly for a Charge port ID, Charging station ID, Operation numberEMAID , RFID or Voucher. Using the separator comma („ , “) or semicolon („ ; “) you can search for several IDs at the same time. The result list is refined directly after entering the search criterion.

You can save the charging infrastructure data locally according to the selected filter criteria by creating a CSV export. Click on the CSV export icon. It will be downloaded automatically after creation.

The separators used for the export can be defined in the user profile. More information can be found in the chapter User profile.



List View

In the list view, the charging sessions are built up according to the tab with regards to the Charge port ID or EMAID. The result list is displayed by default with the period of the last 30 days and contains information about the Charge port ID and the Charging Station ID, instead the EMAID for EMP view, and additionally the Operation numberstart and end time of the session, the amount of Energy consumed, the duration of the charging session, the Authentication Source used, the Status and the EKA status.

By clicking on a charging session, the following information are displayed depending on the tab:

Charge port tab:the EMAID behind the charging process, information on any voucher codes or RFID tokens used („RFID / Voucher“), the CPO Status and the Address. Furthermore, the EKA file of the charging session can be downloaded.

EMAID tab:The Charge Port and the Charging Station ID behind the charging session, information on any voucher codes or RFID tokens used („RFID / Voucher“), the EMP Status , the Customer Status, the Address, the EMAID reference and the EMAID description. Furthermore, the EKA file of the charging session can be downloaded.

Status: The status indicates whether a charging session is automatically settled. A charge record can transition to one of 5 main statuses:

  • Error: The session data is corrupt and won't be processed
  • Exclusion: The session data is excluded from further processing
  • Successful with restrictions: The session data was processed successfully, but is subject to special regulations
  • Successful: Processing successful
  • Unknown: The session was processed successfully, but no further information are available

In the expanded detailed view of a charge record, the error, exclusion and pricing reasons are displayed. The following are possible:

  • Error
    • Session data already exists
    • EMP unknown
    • Charging session implausible, start time in the future
    • Negative charging power
    • Negative energy consumption
    • Negative session duration
    • Power implausible for EVSE
  • Exclusion
    • Consumption too low: The charged energy was below 0.2kWh during the session
    • Consumption too high: The total amount of charged energy exceeded 5000kWh
    • Charging duration too short: Charging duration less than 1 minute
    • Charging duration too long: Charging duration longer than 14 days
    • Fair mode
    • Transnational charging (not supported)
    • CPO voucher
    • Manual: The charging session was manually excluded
  • Pricing
  1. Own charge
  2. No calibration law compliance

You can find further information on the individual errors in the FAQ.

EKA file: The EKA file is used to prove the compliance of the selected charging session with calibration law. Depending on the type and protocol of the charge point, the proof is available in different forms. For the OCPP/OCMF and LG2WAN protocols, the files are stored in electronic form and can be downloaded for valid sessions. Proofs of other types and protocols must be requested directly through the charge point operator. Which protocol the downloaded file is based on can be seen from the file name.

According to the German measuring and calibration law, chargers used for billing purposes must be calibrated. This is to ensure the correct measurement of the amount of current delivered. The information is therefore only relevant for the charge points installed in Germany whose charging processes are billed to the end customer.



In the Graph view of the Charging infrastructure tab, you can display aggregated charging data. Depending on the selection in the drop-down menu, the aggregation is based on the total amount of energy taken in the period under review ("Energy amount"), the percentage distribution of the authentication type used ("Authentication type") or the average session duration (in minutes) ("Session duration").




