Charging Station Details

Get to know the detail page and how to use it to configure your chargers

On the detail pages of a charger or charge point, you can find information about your charge point and charger, and you can adjust configuration parameters and control your charge points remotely. 

You can reach the detail pages via the selection in the result list of the overall charging infrastructure or via the Quick Search, at the top of the portal. Enter a charge port ID or charging station ID and click on the relevant result. You will be forwarded directly to the relevant detail page. 

Detail pages are divided into two levels: 

  1. On the first level, you find the Charging station ID and the corresponding Charge port ID
  2. The second level of the charger or charge points contains details to be found in additional tabs: 

➛ Charging station details are divided into Info, Address, Map, Access, Assignments, Device details, Attributes and OCPP communication or LG2WAN communication
➛ Charge port details are divided into Control, Configuration, Device details, LG2WAN parameters or OCPP parameters and Error Rate


Charging Station Details 

On the tab of the charging station, you receive information specific to the charger, such as address data and geocoordinates, as well as product and group assignments. 


Conversion or dismantling 

As CPO in Germany you will find a button for conversion or dismantling ("Um- oder Abbau" ) for eStations (LG2WAN Gen1/Gen2), which will redirect you to a document repository. You will find the latest documents that must be considered and applied during conversion, e.g. controller replacement, or dismantling (decommissioning). Certain processes must be followed for eStations (LG2WAN Gen1/Gen2), especially if they are installed in public areas or connected to the public power grid. 


Clone charger (Only for OCPP 1.6 chargers) 

Clicking on the button Clone charging station opens the wizard to create an OCPP 1.6 charger. The existing charger is used as a template. With the exception of the fields that must be unique for each charger , all other fields are pre-filled in the wizard. When cloning, additional fields such as "Max. charging power" or "Accessibility", which are not asked for in the wizard, are taken from the charger to be cloned. 

Change Operator 

The provider of a charger can be changed via the Change operator button. This feature is only available to admin users who manage more than one business partner. Please note the effects of such an operator change: 

  1. The charger will be removed from current CPO and assigned to the default location of the new CPO 
  2. The charger will be removed from opening hours group and the default 24/7 opening hours group will be assigned 
  3. Product Assignments of the charger will be removed and has to be done again manually by the new CPO 
  4. The charger will be removed from the Firmware Rollout Group 
  5. The charger will be removed from the assigned Payment Terminal 
  6. Direct Payment and Roaming+ is deactivated for the charger 
  7. The charge points are moved to the default charge point group of the new CPO 
  8. The charge points will get the default pricing from the new CPO 
  9. The charge points are removed from Load management clusters 
  10. Charging sessions that were conducted before the CPO change will only be visible to the old CPO, while new charging sessions will only be visible to the new CPO. This also applies to the respective charge records 


Update Firmware 

Firmware updates for chargers with OCPP communication protocol can be initiated under the item Update Firmware. In the opening menu,you have to select Manufacturer, Model, Firmware Version and the Firmware File in order to initiate an update It is possible to store CPO-specific firmware files. These are marked separately in the selection field and are only available for the chargers of the respective provider. 


The firmware versions of Compleo's own chargers are managed and provided by Compleo Charging Software GmbH. For the provision of firmware updates of 3rd party hardware the firmware file must be provided by the respective CPO so that the Service team can make it available. 

Firmware Updates are disabled for chargers with “planned” status. The same applies to chargers that are in a Firmware Rollout Group that has not started and for chargers that are currently being updated as part of a mass Firmware update

A new Firmware Rollout Group is created, when updating a single charger (communication protocol OCPP 1.6 and higher). You can find the newly created rollout group under menu item Firmware in section Manage. You can use this group to track the status of the Firmware update of the charger. 

Please note that a firmware update is automatically retriggered up to 10 times at an interval of 30 minutes if the initial attempt fails. This ensures that updates can be carried out successfully without further manual processes, even if a charger is being restarted. Only after all update attempts have failed, the firmware update is terminated with an error. 


Quick Config 

The quick config enables you to change selected parameters of your charger. Please adapt or enter the parameters you want to change in the opening edit mask. Available parameters depend on the charger model, as well as the used communication protocol. The parameters are displayed based on availability on the charger or charge point level. Please find a list of all parameters depending on communication protocol below.  

The Quick config is not available for chargers in "planned" status nor for chargers with OCPP protocol whose configuration cannot be retrieved from the charger on site.



For chargers with LG2WAN communication protocol the following parameters are available for configuration depending on technical availability: 

  1. Charging Station status: Operative status of the charger can be set to: 
    ➛ Operative: Customers can start charging sessions. 
    ➛ Inoperative: Customers are not able to start charging session. 
  2. PUK: PUK for establishing the Bluetooth connection with a Gen3 charger 
  3. Authentication Type: The authentication types define the possibilities for authenticating charging sessions at the charger. Hint: Charging sessions are only authenticated if the authentication mode is activated. 
    ➛ RFID („activated“): Authentication using an RFID card. The vehicle must be connected to the charger before authentication. 
    ➛ RFID_PLUS: Authentication via RFID card. The vehicle does not have to be connected to the charger during authentication and can be connected within a certain period of time (2-3 min). 
    ➛ PNC: Authentication by the connected vehicle. 
    ➛ Remote: Setting Remote enables authentications that do not have to be performed at the charger, but, for example, via vaylens portal, the eCharge+ app or the ePowerDirect website. 
    ➛ ID_BOX: Enables authentication using the eCable Smart. 
    ➛ LAN: Activates the interface for authentication via a terminal connected to the charger. 
  4. Max. Charging current (A): The maximum charging current describes the maximum current delivered to the vehicle at the charge point. The set value is not exceeded. 
  5. Max. Voltage (V): The voltage for which the charger is configured. The configured value should be aligned with the grid connection of the charger. 
  6. Status push interval (min): The status push interval defines the time interval in which the charge point transmits its status to the system. 
  7. Charge current during authentication without backend connection (A): Current flow provided by the charge point if the backend is not accessible during authentication and the charge point has been configured accordingly for the automatic fair mode. 
  8. Authentication Mode: When Authentication Mode is enabled, charging sessions have to be authenticated at the charge point. The permitted authentication types can be defined individually. If the authentication mode is deactivated, the charging session starts when the vehicle is connected without authentication by the user. 
    Hint: Please note that charging without authentication will not be billed. 
  9. Charging without backend: If the charger is offline, i.e. the backend cannot be reached, the charging session starts as soon as a vehicle is connected if "charging without backend" is activated. The CPO bears the costs of the charging session. If the charger is offline and "charging without backend" is deactivated, no charging session can be started. Exception: an RFID card that has already been used successfully for charging is used for authentication. If the authentication is successful, the charging session will then be billed in the regular manner. 

 Quick configuration


Chargers with OCPP communication protocol are configured on Station Level. Configurations made in the Quick Config therefore apply to all charge points of the charger. Depending on the specific vendor, model and firmware version the following parameters may be available: 

  1. Charging Station status: Operative status of the charger 
    ➛ Operative: The charger is set to operative. Customers can start charging sessions. 
    ➛ Inoperative: The charger is deactivated. Customers are not able to start charging session. 
  2. Authentication Mode: When Authentication Mode is enabled, charging sessions have to be authenticated at the charge point. The permitted authentication types can be defined individually. If the authentication mode is deactivated, the charging session starts when the vehicle is connected without authentication by the user. 
    Hint: Please note that charging without authentication will not be billed. 
  3. Authentication Type: The authentication types define the possibilities for authenticating charging sessions at the charger. Important: Charging sessions are only authenticated if the authentication mode is activated. 
    ➛ RFID („activated“): Authentication using an RFID card. The vehicle must be connected to the charger before authentication. 
    ➛ PNC: Authentication by the connected vehicle. 
    ➛ Remote: Setting Remote enables authentications that do not have to be performed at the charger, but, for example, via vaylens portal, the eCharge+ app or the ePowerDirect website. 
    Hint: Some OCPP charger models allow the configuration of the authentication mode (see 1.) and authentication types (see 2.) within a single choice parameter. The options available in the dropdown are specific to the charger model. 
  4. Max. Voltage (V): The voltage for which the charger is configured. The configured value should be aligned with the grid connection of the charger. 
  5. Max. Charging current (A): The maximum charging current describes the maximum current delivered to the vehicle at the charge point. The set value is not exceeded. 
  6. Max. Phases: The number of Phases for which the charger is configured. The configured value should be aligned with the grid connection of the charger. 
  7. Charging without backend: If the charger is offline, i.e. the backend cannot be reached, the charging session starts as soon as a vehicle is connected if "charging without backend" is activated. The CPO bears the costs of the charging session. If the charger is offline and "charging without backend" is deactivated, no charging session can be started. Exception: an RFID card that has already been used successfully for charging is used for authentication. If the authentication is successful, the charging session will then be billed in the regular manner. 

Please note that the configuration of quick configuration parameters also has an effect on the parameter on the OCPP parameter tab. 

Quick configuration


Uninstall charging station

Please refer to our comprehensive guide How to delete a charger for a step-by-step explanation on how to uninstall and delete a charger.





The tab Info contains specific information to the charger which can partly be edited by clicking on the edit icon. In the editing mode, following specifications can be changed: Manufacturer and Model, Hotline, Emergency contact, Customer Reference and Green Energy
For Manufacturer and Model the provided master data are displayed, as well as the data provided by the charger, in the following format <Master data>/<Boot notification data>. 

  1. Manufacturer and Model: The manufacturer and model of the charger. 
  2. Hotline: The hotline number is published as contact information for your charger. 
  3. Emergency contact: The emergency contact describes a person who can be contacted in case of emergencies concerning the charger. 
  4. Customer Reference: There is the possibility to maintain an own reference for the charger. 
  5. Green Energy: Indicates that the charger is powered 100% by energy from renewable sources. The charger operator is responsible for maintaining this field. 



The Address tab provides information on the address of the charger, which can be edited by clicking on the edit icon. An editing mask opens where you can edit the address data, the geo coordinates and the parking type. 

  1. Address: Specifies the address of the charger. You can maintain the street, house number, postal code, city, country and additional information (address 2) in local language and English. Alternatively, the address search function makes it easy to search for and select an address. Hint: 
    The street and house number are maintained together in the field "Street and house number". A single maintenance of both values is no longer possible. 
  2. The Geo position of the charger are set in the Geo position field. These are used, for example, to display the charger in map services. The geo position is automatically determined from the address and can be fine-tuned by moving a marker on a map. 
    ATTENTION! If the wrong geo position is entered, customers will be navigated to the wrong location in the eCharge+ app or other configured POI services! 
  3. Timezone: Specifies the timezone that is stored for the charger. 
  4. Parking type: It is used to make it easier for the EV Driver to find chargers. The charger operator is responsible for maintaining this field. The following values can be selected: 
    1. On a motorway 
    2. Parking garage 
    3. Parking lot 
    4. On a driveway 
    5. On a street 
    6. Underground parking 
    7. Unknown 



On the Map tab, the location defined by the geo coordinates is displayed in a map view. In addition, colour-coded chargers in the vicinity of 30 km are listed. The currently selected charger is displayed as a charger symbol and marked with a red location arrow. By clicking on the respective charger symbol,the respective address information and geo coordinates are displayed. 
For chargers that are in "planned" status, the Map tab is hidden. 

Please find further information concerning colour coding in the chapter All about the Dashboard.




In the Access tab, settings and information concerning the customer accessibility of a charger are defined. These comprise for example the availability in a roaming network as well as the activation of Direct payment charging sessions at the charger. 

  1. The field Accessibility contains information about possible external access restrictions. The set access information are also displayed in the charger information in the eCharge + app. 
    ➛ Free public access: The charger can be reached by all customers free of charge. 
    ➛ Restricted public access: The charger is located on a fee-paying car park. 
    ➛ Restricted access: Only people with special permissions can reach the charger. One example is a company car park. 
    ➛ Test station: This charger is used for testing purposes. 
    Hint: Chargers with this status are not published in the eCharge + app. 
    ➛ Unknown accessibility: There is no information about the accessibility of this charger. 
  2. POI (Point of interest): The field POIdetermines whether the location of the charger is published in the eCharge + app or connected Maps providers like Google or Apple Maps. 
    ➛ Shown: The POI data of the charger is shown publicly. 
    ➛ Not Shown: By default, the charger will not be shown in the map of the eCharge+ App, or provided to connected Maps providers. Caution: Some configurations can have the effect, that the charger will be visible in the Map of the eCharge+ App or in the system of connected roaming partners after all. 
    1. If the EV Driver has entered an E-Mobility Account Identifier (EMAID) into his eCharge+ profile and is allowed to charge at a charger, the charger will be visible for him in the App. This is the case if the permissions have been set up via Access Management, or if the user has access via roaming. 
    2. If Roaming+ is activated for the charger, it is published to the connected roaming partners. 

    Furthermore, also if POI is set to “not shown”, the charger can always be found via the direct search in the eCharge+ App or via ePower direct website
  3.  Direct Payment : In the field Direct Payment the user regulates if Direct Payments (credit card or PayPal), e.g. via the eCharge + app or ePower direct website are allowed for the authorization for charging sessions. In this case, customers do not need contracts for starting charging sessions. 
    ➛ Direct Payment active: Customers can authorize via Direct Payments 
    ϵ Direct Payment inactive: An authorization based on Direct Payment is not possible. 
  4.  Roaming: The field Roaming defines if this charger can also be used by other customers who are part of the vaylens internal roaming network. 
    ➛ Roaming active: This charger is available within the roaming network. Customers of other providers are allowed to charge here. 
    ➛ Roaming inactive: This charger is not available within the roaming network. Customers of other providers are not allowed to charge here. 
  5.  Roaming+ The Roaming + flag regulates whether charging sessions can be started by customers via the Hubject or OCPI network. For doing so, a special set-up of a roaming relationship to the partner in question in the Hubject or OCPI network is necessary. 
    ➛ Roaming+ active: This charger is available for partner customers with active roaming relationships in the Hubject or OCPI network. These customers can start charging sessions here. 
    ➛ Roaming+ inactive: The charger is not provided for partner customers with active roaming relationships via the Hubject or OCPI network. 


The access information can be controlled via the edit icon. The accessibility can be selected here and the transmission of POI data to connected services can be activated. If the charger is to be commercialised, the associated services Roaming+, Direct Payment and Roaming can be individually selected and deselected here. An info field shows more detailed information on the respective service on mouseover. 
With activating Roaming+, the pre-conditions for the publication of the charger in the partner network in question is checked. Only when all pre-conditions are fulfilled, the charger is published for partners with exiting roaming relationship. The following pre-conditions are requested: 

1. Hubject
  1. The EVSE ID is in the ISO 15118-1 (e.g. „DE*ISE*E1234567910“) or DIN SPEC 91286:2011-11 (e.g.: „+49*123*12345678910“) format 
  2. The address contains at least two characters. 
  3. The city is set. 
  4. The ZIP code is set. 
  5. The country is set. Possibly this setting must be redone in the drop-down field so the right format is taken) 
  6. The GEO coordinates are set. 
  7. The hotline number is in the right format (e.g. „+49123456789“) 
  8. The authentication type “Remote” is set for the charger. 
  9. The connector details need to be set (type and format) 
2. OCPI 
  1. The EVSE ID is set in the EMI3 format (e.g. „DE*ISE*E1234567910“) 
  2. The address is set. 
  3. The city is set. 
  4. The ZIP code is set. 
  5. The country is set. Possibly this setting must be redone in the drop-down field so the right format is taken) 
  6. The GEO coordinates are set. 
  7. The hotline number is in the right format (e.g. „+49123456789“) 
  8. The authentication type “Remote” is set for the charger. 
  9. The connector details need to be set (type and format) 

If Commercialisation cannot be activated, you are missing the associated product. If you are interested in a product extension, please contact us. 




Any group assignments of the charger or charge points and product assignments to the charger are indicated on the Assignments tab. 

The Location overview shows the assigned location of the charger. Locations can be set under the menu point Location Management

The group overview lists information on notification groups, load management groups, opening hours groups, charge point groups and locations, depending on which group they belong to. Clicking on a group name takes you to the configuration page of the respective group.  

No groups can be created on the Assignments tab. Groups are created in the Manage area.  

The product overview shows which products are assigned to the partner and the respective charger as well as when the product was assigned. Products that are no longer marketed but are still assigned to chargers are also listed here.

For chargers that are in "planned" status, the Assignments tab is hidden. 



Device details 

The tab Device details contains technical information of the charger. The tab is divided into the areas "Device details", "Communication device" (only relevant for OCPP chargers) and "Mobile network details" (only relevant for OCPP chargers). The following fields can be edited by clicking the edit icon of the respective area: 

Device details: 

Connection parameters:

  1. OCPP chargebox ID: The charger's ID, often referred to as the "serial number" or "charging station ID", is typically preassigned by the charger itself. It is crucial for this ID to match both in the chargers hardware and in vaylens. Additionally, it must be unique within vaylens, ensuring that no other charger shares the same ID. 
  2. HTTP Basic password: The HTTP Basic Password is required to establish a connection between a charger and the backend system and must match the password on the charger. The HTTP Basic Password can be changed via a dedicated button. Since it is not always feasible to change the password locally on the charger at the same time, which means that two different passwords are active for OCPP communication, it is now possible to Accept any password from the charger for 30 minutes in order to maintain communication.

Communication device: 

  1. SIM-ICCID: The ICCID number (Integrated Circuit Card Identification) is an 18-22 digit numerical code. This number serves as a unique identifier for the SIM card. In most cases, you will find it on the SIM card itself, or it can be provided by your SIM card provider or, in some cases, if already installed and not known, by your hardware manufacturer. 
  2. SIM-IP-Address 
  3. IMEI: The IMEI number (International Mobile Station Equipment Identify) is an approx. 15-digit serial number of the installed modem. This number can be used to uniquely identify each GSM or UMTS device worldwide. If you do not know this number, it can be provided by your hardware manufacturer. Please refer to the description of your hardware, as this can be found there in most cases. 
  4. SIM-IMSI ("SIM-IMSI"): The IMSI number (International Mobile Subscriber Identitiy) is used to identify the mobile subscriber. The 15-digit IMSI number is stored on the respective SIM card chip and is made up of three parts: 
    1. Mobile County Code (MCC) – first three digits 
    2. Mobile Network Code (MNC) – subsequent two digits 
    3. Mobile Subscriber Identifications Number (MSIN) – last ten digits 
    The numbers may vary depending on your SIM card provider. Normally, this number will be provided to you by your SIM card provider or by your hardware manufacturer if not known. Please refer to the description of your hardware, as this can be found there in most cases. 

Mobile network details: 
Information on the mobile network connection is displayed in this area. The data can only be displayed if the charger is connected to vaylens via a vaylens SIM card. Please note that this is not real-time data and that we only receive this data once a day. However, current data can be retrieved directly from the mobile network operator using the refresh icon. 

  1. Mobile network: Here you can see which mobile network the SIM card last connected to. Please note that all vaylens SIM cards have a roaming function and can also communicate with other networks. However, this depends on the configuration of your charger and the built-in modem. If you have any questions, please contact your hardware manufacturer. 
  2. APN Name: The APN name is the unique access point assigned by us. The SIM card can only communicate with vaylens via this access point. Please ensure that this name is correctly stored on the charger and the modem. You will receive the APN name either when you purchase the SIM card, from your hardware manufacturer or it will be given to you when you create the charger in vaylens portal. 
  3. Connection status: The connection status shows the status of your SIM card. The status is differentiated between "Currently connected", "Connection in the last 24 hours" and "No connection in the last 24 hours". The mobile network generation (3G, 4G, 5G...) of the connected cell site is also displayed. 
  4. Last session: The last "completed" session of the SIM card is displayed here. Depending on the hardware model, a SIM card may attempt to establish a connection more frequently. This may be the case, for example, when restarting a charger. If you have any questions about this, please contact your hardware manufacturer. 




Under the Attributes tab, you have the option to store individual keywords (“Key”) and values (“Value”). 
Clicking on the "create custom attribute" icon opens a modal in which you can first freely define the desired keyword and then a suitable value. Save the entered values by clicking on the "Save" field. 


The entered attributes will then be displayed under the attributes tab. 


OCPP communication 

The tab OCPP communication is a real-time view for the communication between the OCPP charger (OCPP 1.5 and OCPP 1.6) and vaylens. Messages are exchanged during each communication between charger and vaylens. These messages will be saved for OCPP chargers and can be viewed retrospectively for 4 weeks. This is helpful for error analyses, for example. Further information on the structure of the OCPP messages is documented in the respective version of the OCPP specification ( 

The following information is provided in the overview list: 

  • Event type: The event type is a classification of the messages 
  • Date / Time: The timestamp of the message 
  • Message type: The message type indicates from which side the communication was initiated. Either from the charger or from the backend 
  • Payload: The payload of a message is a JSON object that contains the arguments relevant to the action 

The selection can be limited by setting filters directly above the list. The following filters are available: 

  • Event type 
  • Message type 
  • Receiver
  • Period 

In the overview list, the payload of long messages is displayed in abbreviated form. The complete payload can be displayed by expanding a message. If Format is activated, the payload is displayed in a clearer format with line breaks.  

By using the Magic Search on the right-side corner, you have the possibility to directly search for terms in the payload of all messages. The overview list is narrowed down directly after entering the search term and the term found is highlighted. 


Using the Trigger message button, it is possible to trigger OCPP messages for the entire charger or for individual charge points. The following OCPP messages can be triggered: 

  1. BootNotification 
  1. DiagnosticsStatusNotification 
  1. FirmwareStatusNotification 
  1. Heartbeat 
  1. MeterValues 
  1. StatusNotification 

After successfully triggering the desired message(s), the view must be refreshed to display the latest messages. 



Smart Charging

For chargers located in the UK, Smart Charging features that are aligned with "The Electric Vehicles (Smart Charge Points) Regulations 2021" can be activated here. This includes scheduling off-peak charging hours and activating a randomised delay which should be applied to charging sessions that are to start at the beginning or stop at the end of an off-peak period to avoid rapid changes in electricity grid demand. Detailed information on this feature can be found in UK Smart Charging.