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  3. Control access to your chargers

All about Access control

Get to know the different configuration features of controlling access to your infrastructure

You can use the Manage > Access control function to define authorization structures for your charging infrastructure. By creating EMAID groups and charge point groups, you define which EMAIDs are authorized for which charge points. 

The following graphic illustrates how it works. From the sum of all charge points, the charge point groups Employees parking and Board members parking are created. At the same time, the EMAID groups Employees and Board members are created from the pool of all EMAIDs. The EMAID Group employees is now assigned to the Employee Parking Group. The board members group is assigned to the employee parking group and the board parking group. The assignment results in the EMAIDs of the employee group being able to authenticate loading processes at the loading points of the employee car park group. It is not possible to authenticate charging sessions at the charge points of the board parking group. The EMAIDs of the board member group can authenticate charging activities at all charge points by being assigned to both charge point groups. 

 Access Control concept

The Access control area is divided into the Charge port group and EMAID Group. In both groups it is possible to search for the name of a group using the search field. The search starts when at least three characters are entered. The list of results is narrowed down immediately after entering the search criterion. 


Charge Port Groups access-01

Per default, the two system groups "Roaming active" & "Roaming inactive" are always displayed. The system group "Roaming inactive" is also the "Default group" to which each charging point is assigned if it is not assigned to any other group. In case a group created by the user is deleted, the members are also automatically added to the default system group "Roaming inactive". Charging points can be added to the system group "Roaming active" via the editing icon as described below. It is not possible to delete the system groups. 

The configuration of charge point groups is done using the group administration. You can create a new charge point group by clicking on the Create icon. A modal opens which guides you through the group system in several steps. 

In the first step you define the group name. 

 In the second step you select the charger to be assigned to the group. Please tick the relevant chargers in the selection list. Selected chargers are additionally represented by a chip at the bottom of the selection list. To deselect, you can either cancel the selection in the list or deselect the chip of the respective charger (X). 

Various filters and the Magic Search are available for restricting the selection list (More information about the filter option, can be found in All about Charging Infrastructure). Chargers that are already assigned to a charge point group contain a note in the column Group in the selection list. 

Please note that charge points can only be in one charge point group. When selecting an already assigned attachment point, it is removed from the previous group during group creation and assigned to the new group. 


After confirming the setup in the third step, the charge point group is created. The modal then closes and the newly created group appears in the group overview. The number next to the group name reflects the number of assigned attachment points. 

Please note that at the charge points added to a charge point group only the EMAIDs allowed for the group can be loaded. For more information on allowing EMAID groups to be added to charge point groups, can be found in the the chapter EMAID Groups.

You can use the editing icon to edit existing charge point groups. You can choose to delete existing groups or change their names and assigned charge points. The procedure is the same as for group creation. 


Selecting a charge point group takes you to the respective group menu. Here you can view the valid configuration on the Configuration tab.access-04With the corresponding product you can decide whether the charge point group should access the roaming network ("Active") or not ("Inactive") 

  1. Roaming active: The charge points of groups with activated roaming are available throughout the roaming network for authenticating charging processes. This means that roaming-enabled customers of all providers in the roaming network can authenticate charging sessions at the charge points of the group. 
  2. Roaming inactive: If roaming is deactivated, charging sessions can only be authenticated by the EMAID groups of your own provider that are authorized for the group. The charge points cannot be used through the roaming network.. 

You can change the roaming status by clicking the editing icon. 


Please note that the assignment of EMAID and charge point groups can only be done in the charge point group configuration. 

A list of all charge points assigned to the group is displayed on the Members tab. 

 After you have added selected charge points to the group and saved them, please switch to the second tab of the access control: EMAID groups


EMAID groups 

access-07EMAID groups are required to give your customers access to the previously created charge point groups. This is completed by an assignment to be made in this tab. Each customer receives a default group with vaylens setup. 

In addition, new individual EMAID groups can be created using the Create. A modal opens which guides you through the group creation in several steps. 

In the first step you define the group name. access-08

In the second step, you select the EMAIDs to be assigned to the group. To do this, select an EMAID group in the filter options to see the assigned EMAIDs in the selection list and select all relevant EMAIDs. You can select EMAIDs from different groups. Selected chargers are additionally represented by a chip at the bottom of the selection list. To deselect, you can either remove the selection from the list or deselect the chip of the respective charger (X). The deselected EMAIDs are automatically assigned to the default group. 

Various filters and the Magic Search are available for restricting the selection list (More information, about the filter option, can be found in All about Charging Infrastructure) Chargers that are already assigned to an EMAID group have a note in the EMAID Group column in the selection list. 

Please note that EMAIDs can only be in one EMAID group. If you select an EMAID that has already been assigned, it will be removed from the previous group and assigned to the new group during group creation. 


After confirming the setup, the EMAID group is created. The new group will be displayed in the group overview. The default group can be identified via the default flag and cannot be deleted. The digit next to the group name shows the number of assigned EMAIDs. 

Via the editing icon you can edit existing EMAID groups. You can delete existing groups or change their names and assigned EMAIDs. The procedure is the same as for group creation. You can use the download icon to download a list, which includes all charge points an EMAID group is permitted to charge at. Please note that this feature is only available if the number of EMAID groups is smaller than 20. You can always reduce the displayed number of EMAID groups by filtering using the search feature. 

Please note that EMAIDs must always be assigned to an EMAID group. Selected EMAIDs are automatically added to the default group.

 By selecting an EMAID group, you can view its current configuration. The Unassigned charge port groups area contains all your charge point groups that have not been assigned to the EMAID group. In the area Assigned charge port groups all charge point groups assigned to this EMAID group are located. 

You can use the editing icon to select not assigned charge point groups and assign to an EMAID by clicking the arrow. The roaming symbol shows which charge point group is in the roaming network. For deleting an assignment, please click on the edit icon, select the charge point group in question and remove it by clicking the. 




By activating the roaming switch, the EMAIDs within the group are activated for the vaylens GmbH roaming network. Thus charging sessions can be started at charge points of other providers that are released for the roaming network. 

  1. Roaming active: When roaming is activated, the EMAIDs of the group can authenticate charging sessions at all charge points in the roaming network of vaylens GmbH. 
  2. Roaming inactive: When roaming is deactivated, the EMAIDs of the group can only authenticate charging sessions at the approved charge point groups. These EMAIDs cannot access the charge points of the roaming network of vaylens GmbH. 

EMAIDs with activated roaming can charge at own charge points with activated roaming even if the respective charge point group is not linked to the EMAID group. 

Finally, please save your changes so that the system can process the set access control. 

Access Control edit EMAID group



By participating in the eMarketplace, it is possible to activate external roaming (Roaming+). When the Roaming+ switch is activated, the EMAIDs within the group can be used for authentication of charging sessions at charge points of connected partner networks (Hubject and OCPI), provided a roaming relationship exists with the respective partner. 

  1. Roaming+ active: When Roaming+ is activated, EMAIDs of the group can be used to authenticate charging at all charge points in the Hubject and OCPI network, provided a roaming relationship exists on partner level. 
  2. Roaming+ inactive: With deactivated Roaming+ the EMAIDs of the group can only authenticate charging sessions at the authorized charge point  groups or with activated roaming at all charge points available in the roaming network of vaylens GmbH. The EMAIDs of this group cannot be used for authentication at charge points of the hubject or OCPI network - even if a roaming relationship exists on partner level. 

Access Control edit EMAID group

  1. When participating in eMarketplace, all EMAIDs in EMAID groups must be assigned EMP tariffs. The EMP tariff is assigned when an EMAID is created. 
  2. Roaming+ can only be activated for EMAID groups if the roaming switch is active. 
  3. To use Roaming+ it is necessary to set up roaming relationships with the partners of the Hubject and/or OCPI network separately. 


Selective Charging 

With an existing "MarketplaceEMP" product, filters can be defined on EMAID group level, which restrict at which charge points the EMAIDs assigned to the group can start charging processes - this concerns Business Partner internal activations, Roaming activations and Roaming+ activations. If an activation request is made at a charge point that does not match the filter criteria, it is rejected by the system. This can be used, for example, to define in which countries the EMAIDs of a group are allowed to charge. 

The filters can be managed after selecting an EMAID group on the new Selective Charging tab. If no filter is defined, the EMAIDs assigned to the EMAID group can charge at all authorized charge points (Provider internal, Roaming, Roaming+) in the EMPs Charging Network. 


In order to create a new filter, click on Create new filter. In the appearing overlay, you can define the following filter criteria: 

  1. Platform - Platforms to which the charger is connected - vaylens network or roaming partner networks such as OCPI or Hubject. 
  2. Country - location of the charger 
  3. Provider - CPO of the charger 
  4. Charging type - Current type of the charger (AC or DC) 

For each filter criteria, the selection list is narrowed down to the criteria relevant for the provider. Charge points must meet all defined criteria of a filter in order for an activation request to be approved. Up to 5 filters can be defined per EMAID group, whose filter quantities are added together - if a charge point meets at least the criteria of one of the defined filters, the activation is approved. At the same time, for example, only those charge points are displayed in the eCharge+ app at which a stored EMAID can start a charging session. 


Via the edit symbol individual filters can be adjusted afterwards. Via the delete symbol the corresponding filter is removed. 

Please note that the creation, update and deletion of a filter can take up to several minutes. The changes are executed in the background and will be displayed after successful completion of the process. To check if the process is completed, refresh the list using the refresh icon if necessary. 

The filters are currently not applied to RFID activations via external roaming networks (Hubject or OCPI) in some cases, as information on the charge points is missing. In this case, activations are approved across the board based on the roaming relationship to the CPO - if a roaming relationship exists, the activation request is approved. 

Make sure that the filter criteria set are logical. With this function, an incorrect choice of filter criteria can result in the EMAIDs assigned to the group no longer being able to start any charging sessions