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  2. Using vaylens
  3. Control access to your chargers

EMAID/RFID management

How to assign EMAIDS in order to manage access to your charging infrastructure

The vaylens Manage > EMAID Management gives you an overview of all EMAIDs assigned to you. EMAIDs are used to authenticate your customers at your charging infrastructure and can be created and configured by you.

The overview page displays a list of all EMAIDs that have already been created. You can further specify the result list using special filter criteria, such as the assigned EMAID group ("EMAID") of the assigned RFID token ("RFID") or an individual Description. Moreover, the Magic Search function makes it possible to search for specific EMAIDs. You can also export the filtered result list into a CSV file.


By clicking on the Create icon you can create new EMAID. You will be guided to a separate menu where you can configure the EMAIDs. Here you have to select a previously created EMAID Group, to which the EMAIDs to be created are added.

More information about creating EMAID groups can be found in All about access Control.

In addition, you can define how many EMAIDs are to be created at the same time under EMAID Numbers. All EMAIDs receive the configuration you have selected. The Status defines whether the created EMAIDs can be used immediately after creation ('Active') or should be activated at a later time ('Initial').


Roaming-capable EMAIDs

EMAIDs can also be directly created in roaming groups when having the corresponding product. These EMAIDs are not only authorized for charging sessions at your own charging infrastructure but can be used in the whole roaming network. Roaming groups can be identified in the EMAID group dropdown showing the roaming symbol (R).

When participating in the eMarketplace, the newly created EMAIDs must be assigned an EMP tariff for settlement. This is selected in the EMP tariff field during creation. New EMP tariffs can be created in the menu item Markeplace EMP-tariffs.

You can change the assigned EMP tariff at a later time by clicking on the "Edit EMP tariff" icon. In the modal that opens, select the desired EMP tariff and the date and time from which it should become valid for the corresponding EMAID. Please note that the tariff assignment can only be scheduled with a lead time of 15 minutes.


Hints on creating an EMAID:

  1. Based on your individual contract, an additional monthly service fee may be charged with each created EMAID.
  2. The EMAID is created with an unknown initial password. If the EMAID is to be used for authentication, an individual password can be used during processing.
  3. To generate an EMAID you need your own provider ID. You can request this provider ID from BDEW. Then send the provider ID to help@emobility.softwarefor setup. If you have any questions, please contact our support team on 00 800 46 66 49 73 (international call free number).

After creation, you can individually edit all listed EMAIDs shown in the overview by clicking on the edit icon. The following options are available:

  1. Description: You can enter an individual short description (50 characters max.) for each EMAID.
  2. Reference:An individual reference can be entered here – e.g. for customer groups.
  3. Status : You can change the status of EMAIDs. The status Active signalizes that the EMAID is activated a can be used for authentications of charging sessions. Inactive EMAIDs are deactivated in the system and cannot be used for authentication. Note: If an EMAID has the status 'Initial', it can only be changed to 'Active'.
  4. New password : You can set an initial/new password of the EMAID. (5-30 characters, A-Z, a-z, 0-1, #$%&,.-:_+*!()=?{[]}@;~)


By clicking the bulk edit icon, you can change the status for multiple EMAIDs at once. A modal opens that guides you through the necessary steps. In the first step, EMAIDs can be selected from the displayed EMAID list for which the status is to be changed. Selected EMAIDs are additionally represented by a chip at the bottom of the EMAID list. For deselection, either the selection in the EMAID list can be cancelled, or the chip of the respective EMAID can be deselected (X). Various filters are available for restricting the EMAID list. All EMAIDs of a page can be selected or deselected via the selection box in the list header.


In the second step, the desired status can be selected for all selected EMAIDs. The same conditions apply here as when editing a single EMAID. By clicking the Save button the selection is confirmed and the change process is executed. In the third step, a feedback is displayed whether the changes could be carried out successfully or whether there was a problem.


In addition, you can connect EMAIDs with RFID cards. Click on Edit RFID Assignment, select or create an RFID card and choose between a limited (“Valid to”) or unlimited validity (“Unlimited”).

All RFID cards with RFID Smart Card Chip and MIFARE DESFire Chip EV2 (Frequence: 13.56 MHz; memory size: 8192 Byte; ISO standard: 1443A) are supported.
