Release notes V24.12 - OCPP mass update

Change OCPP parameters for several chargers at once

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Release date: 17th December 2024


With the newly introduced feature of mass updating OCPP parameters directly in the vaylens portal, you can now change multiple parameters at once for several charging stations. The single charger update option will still be available within the Charge port details

This feature is an expert function and should only be executed by trained personnel!

The new menu item OCPP parameters allows to trigger a mass update of selected OCPP parameters. Specifically, the feature includes the following functionalities: 

  1. Create and edit a general configuration package consisting of a group of selected parameters as a basis for triggering multiple specified updates.
  2. Specify and initiate a mass update on several chargers of the same type based on a configuration package.
  3. Monitor and track the update status via the History tab.


You can find a detailed description of the process at How to mass update OCPP parameters.

If the new features are not displayed in vaylens portal, simply reload the page or press "CTRL" + "R", or clear the browser cache.