Dynamic load management

How to configure dynamic load management for your charging infrastructure


This article focuses on configuring dynamic load management. For general information on load management, please refer to Product feature: Load management.

Manage > Load management offers you various options for controlling the charging capacity of your charging infrastructure. According to the idea "the right energy supply at the right time", your charging infrastructure can be protected by technical restrictions (e.g. maximum charging capacity of a location). In addition, you can optimize the charging processes for your end users in order to offer the best possible electric driving experience.

The Load Management section is divided into the tabs Dynamic and Local.



The load management clusters are configured via a group administration in the Dynamic tab. You can create a new load management group via the Create icon . A modal opens which guides you through the group creation in several steps. In the first step you define the group name.


In the second step, you select the charge points that are to be managed by the load management group. Please mark the relevant attachment points in the selection list. Selected charge points are additionally represented by a chip at the bottom of the selection list. To deselect, you can either remove the selection from the list or deselect the chip of the respective charge points (X).

To reduce the selection list, various filters and the Magic Search are available.

More information about the filter option, can be found in the chapter All about Charging Infrastructure.

Charge points which are already assigned to an opening time group contain a note in the column Group in the selection list.

  1. For OCCP charge points, load management is only supported from protocol version OCCP 1.6 onwards. Charge points with OCCP 1.5 are therefore not listed. For chargers with communication protocol 1.6 that have the permission of load management in the system, can be selected in the drop-down menu. If the charger does not have this permission, the user receives a hint.
  2. Please note that charge points can only be in one load management group. When an already assigned attachment point is selected, it is removed from the previous group during group creation and assigned to the new group.


After confirming the setup in the third step, the load management group is created. The modal then closes and the newly created group appears in the group overview. The number next to the group name reflects the number of assigned charge points.


By clicking the edit icon you can make changes in already existing load management groups. You can choose between deleting groups or changing their name and assigned charge points. The process here is similar to the group creation.


Clicking on a load management group takes you to the respective group menu. Here you can view the valid configuration on the Configuration tab.

After creating a new load management group, you can set up its configuration by clicking on the editing icon in the lower section. The following setting options charging strategies with respective settings are available:


Dynamic Limits

All charging sessions of this cluster are optimized against the defined total capacity with each change of the charging power (e.g. start or stop of a charging session). The aim is to provide an optimal charge level for all charging sessions at the planned departure time. The efficiency of the strategy is improved with increasing information content in the system.
The system also supports communication between the electric vehicle and the charging infrastructure in accordance with ISO 15118 (SMART Charging). The direct transmission of the required parameters by the electric vehicle can further increase the efficiency of the optimization. Finally, the dynamic load management via an API interface offers the possibility to influence the optimization by connecting external systems

  1. Load limit: The load limit defines the maximum possible power output. Irrespective of the number of parallel load processes on the cluster, you can be sure that this value is not exceeded. The load limit and the phase limit can be merged, which is why only one of the two values can be edited.
  2. Phase limit: The phase limit defines the maximum possible current consumption per phase. Irrespective of the number of parallel charging sessiones at the cluster, it is ensured that this value is not exceeded. The load limit and the phase limit can be merged, which is why only one of the two values can be edited.
  3. Charging current: The minimum charging current determines the minimum power supply of connected vehicles. This ensures that vehicles do not switch to standby mode and can be addressed by load control. This power is also provided if there is not enough capacity on the cluster to initiate a new charging session. The charging sessiones already in progress are adapted according to the selected strategy.
  4. Capacity for unknown EV: In case an unknown electric vehicle starts a charging session at the charger, a value can be entered in this field for optimizing the likely battery capacity (in kWh).


A list of all charge points assigned to the group is displayed on the Members tab.

In the Monitoring tab, you view the load levels of the selected load management cluster and the assigned load points graphically. The monitor contains information about the maximum load limit in kW ("Load limit of cluster") as well as the total demand ("Demand for cluster"). Moreover, the current and estimated future load are given in percentages.

The circle button in the top right corner can be used to optimize the existing cluster and the circle arrow button to update the graphic data.

Load Management monitor

The table beneath the graphic lists the charge points currently assigned to the cluster. It contains the following information:

  1. Charge port ID
  2. Status
  3. EMAID
  4. Charging Type
  5. Start of charging
  6. Estimated End Time

In addition, you can open each charge point using the symbol, under which you will find a graphic that specifically evaluates only the data of the selected charge point. In addition, more detailed parameters for the particular session are listed here:

  1. Duration
  2. Charging standard
  3. Energy Demand
  4. charging current
  5. charging current
  6. Number of phases


Demand Clearing house

With the "Demand Clearing House" charging strategy, power control is performed by an external system, which in turn receives control signals from the network operator. The network operator has the possibility to limit the capacity of the affected charge points in case of network bottlenecks. In return for this network-related control, the network operator charges a reduced network fee according to §14a EnWG. If several charge points are affected by a network bottleneck, vaylens will distribute the available capacity to the charge points in the best possible way.

For using the Demand Clearing House strategy, the following information are required:

  1. DCH ID: Selection options of the external system (network operator) to control the charging infrastructure
  2. User name: Username for login of the external system
  3. Password: Password to login the external system. By clicking on the display symbol () the password is displayed in plain text


The Demand clearing house strategy can only be set up if a contract with the network operator for the control of the corresponding charge points has been concluded beforehand. In the contract with the network operator, the CPO is provided with access data (username and password) that must be entered into the system (see screenshot).

Demand Clearing house


In the Restrictions tab, you can view the power restrictions of the selected load management cluster and the assigned charge points as transmitted by the network operator. The table lists the charge points currently assigned to the cluster with active restriction by the network operator. It provides the following information. The filterable list can be downloaded as CSV file.

  1. Charge Port ID: ID of the charge point that is restricted
  2. EVSE ID: EVSE ID of the restricted charge point
  3. Event ID: ID of the restriction
  4. Creation Time: Creation time of the restriction
  5. Restriction Start Time: Start time of the restriction
  6. Restriction Duration: End time of the restriction
  7. charging power (kW): Maximal charging power during the restriction period