Charging Infrastructure notifications

Enable automatic notifications to always be on top of errors at a charge point

You can define automatic notifications for charge point groups in the Charging Infrastructure Notifications menu under Manage. For example, if an error occurs at a charge point, a notification is automatically sent to the e-mail defined in the group.

The configuration of infrastructure notifications is done within Group Administration. For this purpose, you can create a new notification group using the Create icon. A modal opens, which guides you through the group creation in several steps. In the first step you define the group name.


In the second step, you select the charge points that should belong to the notification group. Please select the relevant charge points in the list. Marked charge points are additionally represented by a chip at the bottom of the selection list. To deselect a charge point, you can either deselect it from the list or deselect the chip of the respective charge point (X).

For limiting the list, you can use different filters as well as the Magic Search.

More information about the filter options, can be found in All about Charging Infrastructure.

Charge points that are already assigned to a notification group have a note in the column Group in the list.


After confirming the setup in the third step, the notification group is created. The modal then closes and the newly created group appears in the group overview. The number next to the group name reflects the number of assigned charge points.


By clicking on the edit icon existing notification groups can be adapted. You can choose between deleting existing groups or changing their names and assigned charge points. The process is similar to creating a group.


By selecting a notification group, you are navigated to the corresponding group menu. The recent configuration can be seen in the tab Configuration.


For changing group configurations, please click on the edit button.

The following cases can be chosen from concerning possible triggers for notification:

  1. Email Notification: Please enter all email addresses that will receive automatic notifications of the group. By clicking + you can add further entry fields.
  2. Cases: Here you define in which situations you want to receive email notifications sent to the defined mailing list:

➛ FUSE_TRIPPED = The charger’s safety mechanism was activated.
➛ UNAVAILABLE = The charge point is not available (does not communicate with the system anymore).
➛ SENSORS = A sensor (e.g. shock sensor) was triggered.

The Members tab displays a list of all charge points assigned to the group.
