How to update Firmware

How to run firmware updates on your charging infrastructure

In the section Manage > Firmware, you as an operator of chargers, have the possibility of starting firmware updates on up to 1000 chargers at once.

After you created at least one or more Firmware rollout groups, they will be displayed in the overview. The progress of each Firmware update is given as percentage for each group. Further details about the update process can be viewed through the expanded menu. To get full information on the created group, you can click on the Rollout name. Created groups can only be edited and deleted if the Firmware update has not yet been started.

Firmware Overview

In order to create a new Firmware rollout group, you need to click on the Create-Icon in the top right corner of the overview.
A modal opens, which consists of 3 steps. In the initial step you need to provide a name for the Firmware rollout group and to choose the Firmware file, which needs to be installed, based on the ManufacturerModel, and Firmware version.

Firmware files for Compleo chargers can be downloaded from the Document Center.

Firmware Overview

In the second step you need to choose the chargers, which you would like to add to the Firmware rollout group. Chargers that are already a member of another rollout group, can only be selected if the firmware update of the assigned rollout group has not yet been started or has already been completed. Otherwise, the charger cannot be selected. The column Rollout Name contains the name of the rollout group, which already contains the charger.

Using the Magic Search you can search for Charging station IDCharge port ID or EVSE ID. The number of chargers can be further reduced using filters for address, firmware, version, manufacturer and model.

Firmware Overview

In the third and last step, an overview of the configuration made is displayed. You can choose to Save the rollout group and start the execution later at any time or to Save and Start the execution directly. To start the execution of the Firmware update directly, a security prompt must be confirmed by pressing Continue.

Firmware Overview

After the Firmware rollout group has been created and saved, the detail view of the group will be displayed. The upper section contains an overview of the selected Firmware, which can be edited using the Edit-Icon. The selected chargers are listed in the lower section, which can also be edited by pressing the Edit-Icon.

By pressing the Execution-Icon you can start the Firmware update for all chargers, which are part of the Firmware rollout group, after confirming the security prompt by pressing Confirm.

Please note that a firmware update is automatically retriggered up to 10 times at an interval of 30 minutes if the initial attempt fails. This ensures that updates can be carried out successfully without further manual processes, even if a charger is being restarted. Only after all update attempts have failed, the firmware update is terminated with an error.

Firmware Overview

As soon as a Firmware update has been started, detailed information about the update process of all chargers can be viewed. The chargers are grouped by the Status of their update: In progress, Error, Success. The Detailed Status provides further information about the update process for each charger. Aside from the status and the detailed status, the Magic Search can be used to search for Charging Station IDs, in order to reduce the number of displayed charger.

An Update-Icon is provided to retrieve the latest status information of the Firmware update process for each charger.

Firmware Overview

As long as the Firmware update of each charger of the whole group is not yet finished, it is not possible to edit the Firmware rollout group. Editing is only allowed if each charger has finished its update process successfully or with errors.

If a charger does not update its detail status within half an hour, the update is considered as not successful and transitions to an error state.

Firmware Overview

After all chargers have reached a final status, the firmware update can be restarted for all chargers with the status "Error" by clicking the Retry icon.