How to join our roaming network as an EMP/MSP?

Follow this detailed guide if you are an MSP or EMP and interested in joining our roaming network

If you are interested in joining our expanding roaming network as an E-Mobility Service Provider (EMP) or Mobility Service Provider (MSP), here is a straightforward guide to get you started. The process of joining our network begins with an initial inquiry and proceeds through a series of steps that we will undertake together to ensure a successful partnership.

Step 1: Making an inquiry

The first step toward partnership is simple: send us an inquiry via our website or directly by email ( Our partner management team is ready to process your inquiry as quickly as possible.

Step 2: Initial contact and scheduling a meeting

Once we receive your inquiry, our partner management team will contact you. We will schedule a meeting to understand your specific requirements and visions for a roaming partnership. In this discussion, we also determine which type of connection you envision - whether through roaming platforms like Hubject or Gireve or via a direct connection based on the OCPI standard.

Step 3: Deciding on the type of connection

Depending on your needs and technical capabilities, we will discuss whether a connection through one of our existing roaming platforms is feasible or if a direct connection should be established. For direct connections, we will also specify the exact version of OCPI and the necessary modules.

Step 4: Planning and conducting an integration test

After the technical details are settled, we plan and conduct an integration test together. This step is crucial to ensure that the technical connection works flawlessly and that both systems are compatible.

Step 5: Roaming agreement

Alongside the technical setup, we develop a roaming agreement, which serves as the contractual basis of our collaboration. This document outlines the legal framework and ensures that all parties are aware of their rights and responsibilities.

Step 6: Going live

Following a successful integration test and the signing of the roaming agreement, the go-live phase begins. You are now officially part of our roaming network and can benefit from the extensive advantages of an expanded reach and enhanced service offerings for your customers.


Joining our roaming network is a structured process that ensures all technical and legal aspects are thoroughly addressed to guarantee a long-term and successful partnership. We look forward to welcoming you as a partner and collectively shaping the future of electromobility. Should you have any further questions, our partner management team is always at your disposal.