How to connect an Ampure Boost

Connect an Ampure Boost charger to vaylens using the Ampure web interface

Please refer to the manufacturer's manual for information on connecting the charger to Ethernet.

The ChargeBox ID and password, which you need when onboarding the charger to the vaylens portal, are permanently stored in the charger and cannot be changed later.

In addition to the backend configuration, we recommend updating the firmware to the latest version. Please contact the vendor for the new firmware. 

The connection to the vaylens backend is configured via the Ampure web interface. You can access this configuration interface via the web browser following the manufacturer's manual.

Please refer to the username and password from the charger's documents supplied and use them on the login page.


In a first step, go to SYSTEM > General to set a general date and time:

  • Setup the current system time
  • Setup the local system time
  • Select your time zone

Confirm with Save.


Next, configure the communication interface either via Ethernet or via Wi-Fi:

a) via WI-FI

  • Navigate to Network WiFi
  • Enable the Wi-Fi mode by toggling the switch
  • Setup the network configuration regarding your installation.

Confirm with Save.

b) via Ethernet

  • Navigate to Network LAN
  • Enable the LAN mode by toggling the switch
  • Setup the network configuration regarding your installation.

Confirm with Save.

If using DHCP client mode, the charger will receive a different IP address from the server after restarting. Access via the IP address will no longer be possible!


Then, navigate to BACKEND  

  • Select the used communication interface in "Connection type" 
  • Enter the following vaylens backend URL in "Connection URI":
  • Select the "Ocpp Version": V1.6J
  • Select the "Change availability state": Operative

Confirm with Save.


Restart the device by clicking on SYSTEM > General > Restart


Lastly, check the connection between the charger and vaylens:

  • After reboot, navigate back to SYSTEM> System Status
  • Check if the OCPP connection state (backend) shows the status ‘Connected’.

Your charger has been successfully connected to vaylens!