How to connect a Hager Witty Share

Connect a Hager Witty Share charger to vaylens using the Hager web interface

Please refer to the manufacturer's manual for information on connecting the charger to Ethernet and inserting the vaylens SIM card.

In addition to the backend configuration, we recommend updating the firmware to the latest version. Please contact the vendor for the new firmware. 

The connection to the vaylens backend is configured via the Hager web interface. You can access this configuration interface via the web browser using the IP address

Please refer to the username and password from the charger's documents supplied and use them on the login page.


In a first step, go to Settings > Time Management to set a general date and time:

  • Select your time zone
  • Setup the current date
  • Setup the current time

Confirm with Save.


Then, navigate to Configuration > Config Type: protocol to choose the communication protocol for the communication between your charger and vaylens. 

  • Select a "Type": OCPP
  • Select an "Authorization Mode": OCPP Full


Go to Configuration > OCPP to establish a connection between your charger and vaylens.

  • Enter the following vaylens backend URL in "OCPP Server":
  • Enter a "ChargePoint ID": You can freely choose this identifier for your charger unless you have already onboarded the charger to the vaylens portal.
  • Select the "Authentication type": Basic
  • Enter the "OCPP login": The OCPP login is equivalent to the ChargePoint ID you entered before.
  • Enter an "OCPP password": You can freely choose your password unless you have already onboarded the charger to the vaylens portal. 
  • Set a "Fallback Value" which indicates the maximum current for charging in case the connection to the OCPP Central System is lost.

If you have already onboarded your charger to the vaylens portal, make sure to use the same ChargePoint ID/OCPP login and OCPP password.

If you haven't already onboarded your charger to the vaylens portal, make sure to remember the ChargePoint ID/OCPP login and OCPP password as these are required in the onboarding process. 

At vaylens, the ChargePoint ID/OCPP login is referred to as ChargeBox ID and the OCPP password is referred to as OCPP Basic Password.


Next, configure the communication interface either via Ethernet or via Wi-Fi:

a) via Ethernet

  • Navigate to Configuration > Network
  • Setup the network configuration regarding your installation.


If using DHCP client mode, the charger will receive a different IP address from the server after restarting. Access via the IP address will no longer be possible!

b) via Wi-Fi

  • Navigate to Configuration > Wi-Fi Client
  • Enable the Wi-Fi Client mode by toggling the switch.
  • Enter the Wi-Fi SSID
  • Enter the Wi-Fi Password


Confirm the changes with Save and restart services:




Lastly, check the connection between the charger and vaylens:

  • Login to the vaylens portal.
  • If you haven't already done so, onboard your charger to the vaylens portal. If you need assistance in onboarding your charger, please refer to How to onboard a charger.
  • Switch to the installed charger by navigating to Charging Infrastructure and selecting the charger from the list. You will be directed to the Charging Station Details page.
  • Switch to the Charge port details tabs > Control and check the status of the charge points.
  • If the Status is green, the connection is established.

Your charger has been successfully connected to vaylens!