How to connect a Compleo eBox

Connect a Compleo eBox to vaylens using the eConfig app

Please refer to the manufacturer's manual for information on connecting the charger to Ethernet and inserting the vaylens SIM card.


The Compleo eConfig app simplifies the installation process of an eBox smart, professional or touch for installers.


  • Strong partners: The perfect companion for installers

  • Easy to use: Convenient set-up and configuration process

  • Make your eBox smarter: Connect to a backend of your choice


This quick guide refers to app version 1.8.0 or higher. This is currently only available for iPhones. If you are using an older app version, please use this guide.



  1. Connect via Bluetooth

  1. Perform the technical settings

  1. Connect to a network

  1. Start charging


Connect to your eBox

Follow the instructions on the screen.

In case you want to change the language or navigate to the imprint, select the wheel in the top right corner.



A few seconds after your device is connected, it will show on this screen. You may have to give the app device specific permissions at first use.


Enter the PUK to connect to your eBox. The PUK is located on the back of the user manual that came with the eBox.


After successfully connecting to the eBox, you will be presented with the current settings. You can close this window to proceed with the configuration. You can also reboot or factory reset your eBox if needed. Reopen this pop up by tapping the :info: in the top left corner of the screen.









Configure the eBox


You can now start the configuration by tapping on the respective button.












Technical Settings


The technical settings determine the maximum power the eBox can offer.


These settings must be done according to the specification of a qualified electrician and are noted on the eClick.

Network settings


Set up the route through which the eBox tries to establish an internet or backend connection.













Select your WiFi or enter a network manually.


DHCP will make the eBox wait for a DHCP server (router) to assign an IP address to it automatically.

Enter the password and proceed.




You can also set the IP address yourself.

Enter the password, IP address, netmask and gateway manually.




Select DHCP in case you have a DHCP server (router)…


… or enter your network settings manually.


It is recommended to manually configure IP addresses in case you want to set up a load management, because DHCP might assign new IP addresses at reboot, resulting in a connection loss between load management system and eBox.


SIM card


Enter APN data (optional) and proceed.


Authorisation-free charging (without backend)

In case you want to connect your vehicle and start charging without any additional features or restrictions, you can skip the network and backend configuration entirely and thereby complete the configuration process.

However, you might want to connect the eBox to your network to be able to run firmware updates and profit from future developments.


Backend settings

As soon as you have successfully connected to a network, you can either set up a backend connection or skip the backend configuration by choosing “Authorisation-free charging (without backend)” as described in the previous section.


If you chose to set up a backend connection, enter the Backend URL, the ChargeBox ID, the username (which usually is the same as the ChargeBox ID) and a password, if your backend providers requires.

After entering the mandatory fields, you will be able to proceed.

The vaylens backend URL is as follows: wss://


The eBox is now fully configured and automatically reboots.





Some backends automatically change the configuration after the first connection and perform a reboot. Expect a reboot 1 minute after the initial reboot.



eBox does not appear inside eConfig app despite Bluetooth connection

  • Cancel Bluetooth connection between eBox and mobile device

  • Delete eConfig app

  • Reinstall eConfig app

  • Reboot your mobile device (optional)

  • Start eConfig App

  • Go to Bluetooth settings

  • Permit eConfig app to use Bluetooth in pop up

  • Connect to eBox in device settings

  • Go back to eConfig app

  • Permit eConfig app to establish network connections in pop up

  • The eBox should now appear


eBox has lost Bluetooth connection

Wait for the eBox to restart

  • Check the power connection of the eBox

  • Check the Bluetooth connection in your device settings













eBox could not establish an internet connection


Follow the steps on the screen or change the internet connection as described in “Network settings”.





eBox does not connect to the backend

  • Wait for the eBox to reboot

  • Make sure your eBox is connected to the internet or an APN

  • Check whether your eBox goes online inside your backend

  • Check the backend URL

  • Check the ChargeBox ID

  • Check the password, if one is needed

The vaylens backend URL is as follows: