How to connect a Compleo DUO

Connect a Compleo DUO charger to vaylens using DUCTO


Please refer to the manufacturer's manual for information on connecting the charger to Ethernet and inserting the vaylens SIM card.

In addition to the backend configuration, we recommend updating the firmware to the latest version. Suitable firmware can be downloaded here. The update process is not part of this guide.


The connection to vaylens is configured via DUCTO. You can access this configuration interface using the web browser and the IP address

If you need assistance in accessing the web interface, please refer to this Quickguide.


After opening the interface, click on Login:



Enter the password:

The password can be found on the inside of the charger cover.


Confirm that you are a qualified professional electrician: 003_confirm


Switch to Settings/Backend:

  • Change Operating mode to Online
  • Insert ChargeBoxIdentity
  • Insert Backend URL: wss://
  • Insert AuthorizationKey

Confirm the changes at the bottom right.


Configure the communication interface

a) via vaylens SIM card (order here)

  • Switch to Settings/Network
  • Check the box Activate modem
  • Insert Access Point Name (according to the attached information for the SIM card)

Confirm the changes at the bottom right.



b) via Ethernet with static settings

  • Switch to Settings/Network
  • Insert IPv4 address (according to the information provided by your network administrator)
  • Insert Subnet mask (according to the information provided by your network administrator)
  • Insert DNS server address (according to the information provided by your networkadministrator)
  • Insert IPv4 gateway address (according to the information provided by your network administrator)
  • Uncheck the box Activate modem

Confirm the changes at the bottom right.



c) via DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

  • Switch to Settings/Network
  • Check the box Obtain an IP address automatically

Confirm the changes at the bottom right.


After restarting the charger, it will receive a different IP address from the server. Access via the IP address will no longer be possible!

After changing the configuration, the charger must be restarted.


Check the connection

  • Switch to the DUCTO Dashboard
  • The Backend tile should now be highlighted in green and show the status ‘Connected’.



Your charger has been successfully connected to vaylens!


If you need assistance connecting your Compleo DUO charger, vaylens assists you as best as we can but please contact Compleo Hardware in case of specific queries or problems.