FAQ: Payment Integrations

This article is aiming to help you find answers to your questions about Payment Integrations

Which Payment Terminal models does vaylens support? 

Currently, we support all Payment Terminals coming with Compleo chargers, as well as Alpitronic chargers with their respective Payment Terminals. Furthermore, selected standalone payment stations are compliant with vaylens.

Does vaylens meet the requirements for AFIR regulations?

At vaylens, we have invested significant effort and resources into ensuring compliance with AFIR regulations. We are well-prepared and have carefully considered all aspects of regulatory requirements. Our products have been meticulously designed and prepared to meet these standards, ensuring full compliance with AFIR regulations.

Do I need to create General Terms and Conditions (T&Cs)?

As part of our comprehensive service package, we provide General Terms and Conditions tailored to our offerings. This means you don't need to worry about drafting your own or ensuring legal compliance - we've got you covered.

How long does is take to make contracts with the Payment Service provider?

There is no need for you to enter into contracts with Payment Service Providers. We've got you covered with our service package. We handle all the necessary contracts with Payment Service Providers, so you can focus on your business.

I have a few AC chargers on a parking lot, does every charger need its own payment terminal?

No, you don't need a separate payment terminal for each charger. With our EasyPay solution, you can retrofit it to your parking lot. This means you can manage multiple AC chargers with just one EasyPay terminal.

Do I need a contract with Payment Service Providers?

We've got you covered with our service package. We handle all the necessary contracts with Payment Service Providers, so you can focus on your business. 

My chargers and payment terminals are not on your list of being compatible with vaylens. What do I do?

In this case, please reach out to our partner management team. They will take a look at it and get back to you. Most chargers can easily be integrated.