FAQ: Monetising Stations

This Article is aiming to help you find answers to your questions about Monetising Stations

How do I receive the payments for charging sessions carried out at my charging infrastructure? 

We manage the billing for the charging sessions, ensuring a hassle-free process for you. You can expect to receive automatic quarterly credit notes from us for the charging sessions conducted at your infrastructure.

How much does vaylens cost?

To explore customized solutions and discuss contract and product options, please reach out to our Sales team. You can find product specific prices and bundles by following this link.

Does vaylens offer any support to simplify mixed calculations for MSPs?

vaylens offers internal eMarketplace MSPs the possibility to calculate a price list based on current tariffs as well as future tariff changes by other CPOs to support the creation of a mixed calculation. 

How are the prices charged to the electric driver calculated?

We take the CPO's rate and add a margin for the clearing house. To this the MSP's rate is added. Finally, VAT is added to result in the tariff communicated to the EV driver.

Do I need to do complicated calculations on how much money I receive per charger from all involved parties?

No, vaylens handles all the necessary calculation for you. You'll receive a credit note from us that provides detailed information on each charging session for which you receive credit. 

How about calibration law, AFIR, UK Charging Regulations, do I need to care?

We've taken care of all the regulatory requirements, including calibration laws, AFIR compliance, and UK Charging Regulations, so you can focus on your charging infrastructure.

How do you support the commercialization of my chargers with other operators?

We go beyond just facilitating charging within our own network. Our platform enables interoperability with other charging networks such as Hubject and Gireve, enhancing your chargers' commercialization potential. Through what we call Roaming+, we ensure that your chargers can seamlessly connect and transact with operators beyond our network. Furthermore, Roaming+ is fully customizable to meet your specific requirements. Whether you prefer certain operators or have unique pricing structures in mind, we can configure the roaming capabilities according to your needs.