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  3. Control access to your chargers

How to configure direct payment

What is direct payment and how to configure it

Direct Payment offers you as CPO the possibility to give access to your charge points to customers who do not have a contract with an EMP. These customers can use the ePower direct website and eCharge+ app to start the charging session. Direct payment customers can use credit cards and PayPal for the payment transaction. The costs for the use of the charge points will then be deducted from these. Direct payment is used to enable barrier-free loading on a legal basis.

Within the menu option Direct Payment Settings, you as CPO can make the configuration for connecting the payment service provider (Payone) and the initial basic settings. If you have purchased the product "eMarketplace CPO", the setup of Direct Payment will be done for you by vaylens.

First of all, the Edit function allows you to configure the design of the mobile website ePower direct for your charging infrastructure according to your individual requirements as part of an initial basic setup. Here you can configure your own company design and all necessary payment attributes.

The configuration consists of four steps:

1. Payment details:

In the first step, please store the information of the payment provider "BS Payone". You will receive the payment service data completely from the provider.

Furthermore, please specify in the second section a reservation fee. The reservation fee determines the amount that will be blocked on the credit card at the start of the charging session/payment process. This fee is relevant for kWh tariffs.

Depending on the contract with your payment provider (e.g. Payone, Wirecard, Six Payment Services) and PayPal, there is a risk that a fee which is higher than the deposited reservation amount cannot be collected from your customer. Consequently, you should pay attention, not to set the respective amount for the reservation fee too low.

Application example:
If your customer purchases power for the EV at your charge point for 0.40 €/kWh and you have set up a reservation fee of 4.00 €, Payone blocks the reservation fee. As soon as your customer charges more than 10 kWh of car electricity and thus exceeds the reservation fee of € 4.00, the charging session cannot be billed properly.

If you have an agreement in the contract with your payment provider and PayPal for an over capture, higher amounts than the deposited reservation fee can be charged.

The third section of the Payment Details includes the language selection. English is set as the default language, but there is also the option to add other languages. For these, the appropriate texts must be stored in the following process.

To continue, please click on Next.


2. Mobile website:

In this step you can create your own website by entering a color code for the different design levels and uploading your company logo. The color can be selected based on the individual input in hexadecimal format or the color palette.

To continue, please click on Next.


3. Text maintenance:

Now you can insert your terms and conditions, your legal notice, an instruction, your data privacy and your contact in the appropriate fields for the selected languages. Please choose a language before you enter the respective texts.

To continue, please click on Next.

For undefined languages, English is used as fallback.


4. Go Live:

Finally you get the chance to check your configuration. If you entered all information as desired, they will be saved by pressing the respective Save button.

Please keep in mind that the Direct Payment tariff adjustments as well as tariff assignments are now done by clicking on the menu points Manage CPO Pricing and Assign CPO Pricing. The defined tariffs are valid for all assigned chargers.