vaylens Webshop

How the webshop assists you in setting up your charging infrastructure in vaylens


vaylens webshop is your destination for charge point stickers and SIM cards for chargers integrated into vaylens. Our charge point stickers make identifying chargers easy, while our SIM cards provide the connectivity you need for smooth charging sessions. Order charge point stickers and SIM cards quickly and easily to network your chargers efficiently.

➡️ valyens Webshop

Charge point stickers

Charge point stickers display important information like a charge point's EVSE-ID and further details that help EV drivers identify and utilize a charger effectively. 

Order your charge point stickers here.


SIM cards

SIM cards enable the communication between a charger and vaylens if no Ethernet or WiFi connection is available. 

Order your SIM cards here.
