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  2. Using vaylens
  3. Assign tariffs to your chargers

How to assign EV Tariffs

How to set and assign tariffs from an EMP perspective

If you act in the role of an EMP and have selected the product "eMarketplace EMP", the option to create special tariffs for your customers is offered under the menu item Pay > Manage EV Tariffs.

When you open this function, all previously created EV tariffs are displayed. Tariffs that are highlighted in gray have been archived and can no longer be newly applied. Tariffs marked with a green symbol are considered "Active" and have already been assigned to your customers' EMAIDs.

By clicking on the create icon, you can create a new EV tariff. The following values must be configured:

  1. Name of the tariff: Used for tariff selection in vaylens EMAID Management  
  2. Validity("Valid from", "Valid to"): New EMAIDs can only be created in vaylens EMAID Management with this tariff during the valid period. Created EMAIDs with corresponding tariffs remain active even after the validity of the tariff ends  
  3. Price Type: Determines whether it's a fixed price or surcharge tariff. Both options are described in more detail below
  4. In-app prcing visibility: If you activate visibility, the price will be displayed to your customer before the start of the charging process in the eCharge+ app. If you have negotiated a contractual agreement with your customer, such as a flat rate, the price can be hidden in the app
  5. Decimal places of gross price: The number of decimal places to which the gross price shown to the customer is rounded (Only for surcharge price type)
  6. Pricing components: The prices set for AC and DC charging processes define, depending on the price type, the gross end-customer price or your net margin as EMP on the output of EV power

You can recognize the tariffs you have created in the tariff overview. By clicking on the respective tariff, you have the opportunity to view the details and edit them.

Please note that tariffs already assigned cannot be deleted using the "trash" symbol.



Maintain Fixed Price Tariff

You have the option to set gross end-customer prices for AC and DC charging processes.

When setting a fixed price, it applies uniformly to every charging process of an EMAID to which you assign this tariff. Consider your net purchase prices when determining the prices. In this case, you bear the risk of a negative margin due to changing CPO prices.

Please be aware that in the case of issuing RFID cards, there must be price transparency towards the end customer. You only ensure this by setting a fixed price.



Maintain Surcharge Tariff

If you define a surcharge, the price for your end customer is variable and must be checked before each charging process in the eCharge+ app. In this case, you bear no risk, as the CPO price including your surcharge is passed on to the end customer.

The composition of prices for your end customer in the case of a surcharge can be seen in the following graphic:

Price composition

For each charging point, the tariffs of the respective operator still apply. As an EMP, you receive a fixed amount or a percentage surcharge on your purchase price.

There is the possibility to enter either an absolute or a relative net surcharge for the size "Session", "Minute", or "kWh". The relative surcharge is only applied if the CPO demands this price component. Within the "Marketplace CPO", it is obliged to set at least €0.01 for one of the three price components. The absolute surcharge, however, is always applied.

The following section will exemplary show your options concerning surcharges that you receive as margin for providing energy for electric vehicles at your charge points.

Application example I:
A charging station operator acting as CPO sets an absolute price of 0.30€ per kWh of charged energy. Moreover, the customer has to pay the relative offset price of the Clearing House amounting to 10% of the CPO amount (0.03€). As EMP, you want to receive 0.10€ per kWh. In addition, you decided to charge a one-time fee of 0.50€ for the charging session. Both surcharges from your side are added to the CPO price, the Clearing House amount and the VAT in the last step. All these mentioned create in summary the final price that is valid for end customers.

 Price composition example 1

Application example II:
A charging station operator as CPO decides to set an absolute price of 0.05€ per kWh of charged energy. The relative offset price of 10% is added to the CPO amount by the Clearing House (0.009€).In case you do not want to set up a Clearing house price on top of the CPO price, you can additionally charge 0.50€ for example for the charging session. Finally, the VAT is the last calculation step that complements the end price for your customers.

 Price composition example 2

Application example III:
Acting as CPO, a charging station operator wants to receive an absolute price of 0.05€ per started minute of a charging session. In addition, the Clearing House has a share which is calculated with 10% of the CPO price 0.005€. As EMP, you decide to charge an amount of 0.01€ per started minute. Also here, in the last calculation step the VAT is added resulting in the final price that is shown to the end customer.

 Price composition example 3

After having configured all data fields, please do not forget saving so that the system can create the required tariff.



Request Purchase Prices

In the section Request Purchase Prices, you have the opportunity to query your net purchase prices per charging point and download them as a CSV file. The query is started via the symbol Compute price list.

The price query may take some time, depending on how many charging points are available in your charging network. You can leave the page during the query and return at a later time. The query is not interrupted by this.

After completion, the created CSV file can be downloaded via the button Download Price List.

Please note that the queried prices represent only a snapshot. Prices from CPOs connected via roaming may be subject to more significant changes. If you do not want your customers to charge at the conditions of certain CPOs, you can exclude them via "Selective Charging."



Assign EV Tariffs

After having individually created tariffs in the section Pay > Manage EV Tariffs, these ones can be assigned to EMAIDs in the Assign EV Tariffs menu point.

The assignment process starts with the selection of the EMAIDs for the tariff assignment. There are two ways of selecting EMAIDs.

On the tab Assign by EMAID, the EMAIDs are selected individually from the list. Selected EMAIDs are also shown at the end of the list. For cancelling the selection, you can either uncheck the respective EMAID in the list or click on the X symbol.

On the tab “Assign by filter” it is possible to restrict the result list based on given filter criteria. The chosen tariff is assigned to all EMAIDs that are shown in the list. For the limitation of the selection list you have different filter options at your disposal as well as the Magic Search.


The selection of EMAIDs is confirmed by clicking on Assign Tariff. A modal then opens where you choose the tariff as well as the date and time when the tariff becomes valid. Please note that the tariff assignment can only be scheduled with a lead time of 15 minutes. One EMAID can only be assigned to one tariff resulting in the replacement of an old tariff assignment.


By clicking on Assign Tariff you confirm the entered information and start the assignment process. The tariff assignment is done via the system and cannot be stopped.

After the completion, a summary is displayed that shows eventually wrong assignments. For example, EMAID and tariff must always be assigned to the same business partner.